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Easiest Sheet Ever to Sell

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Video Transcript

00:00 So you're looking at an example of the easiest spreadsheet ever to sell. Seriously, it is one of the easiest to sell because you can make it so quickly, and it's called the Curated Database.
00:13 Essentially, it is your own time, your own energy, and your own life. Your own knowledge poured into the effect of creating it.
00:19 So actually creating it is the benefit you're doing. Just the fact that it exists means that you can sell it.
00:28 I'm going to share with you a few videos that are on BetterShoot. If you are a member of BetterShoots.co, you can see those.
00:38 If you're watching this somewhere like Udemy, you might not be able to see them. But I'm going to share with you sort of the key takeaways.
00:46 What you're looking at right now is called 100 Ways to Get Your First 100. 100 Subscribers. And just by taking this course, you can get this for free.
00:53 Go over to this website. Go to campheapproved.com slash L slash 100 Ways, 100 Subscribers. I think I'll put it into the very first early.
01:36 Things I ever made. I was creating a newsletter for about two and a half years and I grew it to 7,500 subscribers and then I ended up selling it.
01:49 But what was really cool is it was a B2B newsletter. It was very hard to get subscribers and I had to do a lot of things that were unscalable and I had to do things that were like, I'm going to do this once and maybe I'll do it once a year or never again unscalable things to get inch up and get more 
02:06 and more subscribers from when I had zero subscribers. I had no social proof whatsoever. I had just like, hey, do you want to subscribe to my newsletter?
02:15 But what I put into this sheet is 100 tactics that I actually used or I've seen people use because you'll see down here there's like one.
02:25 Called buy a billboard. I did not do that, but actually Peter levels did use blip billboard. So I was like, holy moly, this is possible.
02:37 But I did do like industry surveys and I did do, I did create a virtual mall. I've done a lot.
02:41 A lot of these I did get a lot of press. I talked to journalists. I put my newsletter in a bunch of directories and I inched my way up early on.
02:51 And I want to share this with you because I think it's a really good example of what I say. So this is what I did and I, and so you can do what I did or do what I say.
03:02 Either one. Instead of just saying here's a list of 100 tactics and done, this has a hundred tactics. It also has a checkbook.
03:14 Checkbox to say if you do it or it's skipped, it has a dashboard to say, to keep track of which ones you want to do it.
03:19 And there are categories, so they're categorized. But also there's a little description and context as to when to use this tactic.
03:28 So ideally these. You can see your size zero to 10. If you have less than 10 subscribers, I would suggest doing these 21 things.
03:38 And if even one of these works or sorry, if each of these works, even one time, you are now out of the zero to 10 category.
03:46 And you can go to the next category where if any of these work to get you another 50 subscribers, you are now out of that category of 10 to 50.
03:54 And I have a website here. So in case like these are signups directories, aggregators, I have the link directly there.
04:01 Again, a lot of this I would change myself if I wanted to. I also categorize these as if they're free or, or if there's a cost.
04:08 If you notice, all of these are free until you get down to here where you're like, oh, if I have 50 subscribers, maybe I can make 50 bucks in about a month.
04:15 So I might spend some amount of money to gain more subscribers. Maybe if you're, if your newsletter is getting about $50 a month, you can spend about $50 a month on Facebook ads to double triple your subscribers from 50 to 100 or 100 to 200.
04:32 Right. And so these get a little cost. They have. Actual costs in them and it's okay because you're at a point which you can take in that cost.
04:40 I also have a list of three things that did not work. Saves you time. Avoid these things. All of these things I'm saying right now as part of this sheet should have been on the main page here and should be on the landing page and should be in the marketing and everything.
04:55 So I might actually come back and edit this and really spruce it up a lot to sell way more. But I did want to share this with you because it is a real example of what I did.
05:07 But I want to share with you two other examples, one of which is a freebie and the other one is a Google Sheet that turned into a multi-million dollar business.
05:17 First one is, this is a video actually that I made, but it's about starter story. They do these curated databases in a Google Sheet.
05:27 They've done a few of them and I show you what they look like and I give you a few pointers on how to make it better, but I love it.
05:34 It adds context to the data and information and it's all data on their own website. Day. They've done this curation before and so what I really like about this is that it is a perfect expression of their expertise.
05:51 It is a perfect expression of, hey, here's a bunch of stuff. If we know, you might not know all of these, but now you do.
05:59 Maybe you know one or two, but now you know all of them and now you can see them all in one place.
06:03 You can, ah, you can see the contrast between them. You can see if there's information or not that shared, ah, pattern, you can see patterns.
06:14 What I want to bring up is the fact that the term unicorn, right, means a billion dollar startup, was actually coined because lady who ran cowboy ventures, she put, all of the founders of billion dollar startups into a Google Sheet.
06:32 And she, what she wanted to find out is what is the pattern? What is the same thing about these people that like, if we can pattern match, we can find more people like that.
06:41 And she put all of them in a Google Sheet, she put all of the columns she had like the school they were in, the age they were in, all different kinds of data.
06:50 And what she found was nothing. What she found was that each and everyone was unique in and of themselves. And that's where the term unicorn came.
06:59 It's that each of these people were individuals that had no pattern matching available. And so I really love that story because it is two things.
07:09 It's a Google Sheet of course, but also it's a surprise. It is a surprising element of these. Curated databases and and I want to give you one more surprise, which is the fact that nomadlist.com this website right here If you're not aware of it, it is by Peter levels and it started as a Google Sheet.
07:30 In fact, he writes about this. He here's the Google Sheet, the screenshot of the Google Sheet that he specifically started and two things happened that were super surprising to him and became, I think, really good road maps for yourself if you ever want to test an idea.
07:48 One thing is he himself was traveling, wanted to know information about other cities but didn't have the time to go to that city, figure it out, and then report back to himself, right?
07:57 So he wanted to have a way to put on Twitter, hey, here's this editable database. Literally, he put a Google Sheet that was edited.
08:04 And he said, if you're in any of these cities or you find a new city, put in all of this information that I care about, right?
08:12 Best quarter to visit, average estimated monthly visa cost, aircon availability, easiest, safest, best. Cheapest mode of transportation, all of this data.
08:23 And then he put it on Twitter and people edited it. People edited it so much that it was full of information and so many people were reading this that he had to make a website because like the Google G was at that point was crashing at some point.
08:36 It really went crazy. And that was surprising, right? You think, oh, I'm going to fill this out for myself and then share this information.
08:45 And that is, you know, the most common way you create a curated database is you have some experience. So you have some expertise and you express that.
08:55 But in this case, he used Google Sheets collaborative ability and feature to gain expertise from others. And so you can do this.
09:07 I think this is one of the coolest things you could possibly do is like if you have a certain industry, like if you're an influencer and you're like, how much should I charge for this kind of post?
09:19 Going and putting out to maybe a hundred friends and say, how much would you charge for this post? Put it in a Google sheet and then take the average of all of them and then charge that, right?
09:31 That's probably going to be the exact answer. It's going to be closer than any guess you have for yourself. If you are some type of freelancer and you happen to know, let's say, a dozen other freelancers that are in exactly the same position as you, and you go, hey, how much should I charge?
09:51 One, you can say, how much should I charge? But also, like, what are you already charging? Hey, let's put it all in this anonymous Google We'll see you next week.
10:08 We'll see you next week. We'll see you next week. is kpop concert goers will put in a Google sheet what seat they're going to sit in and then what it does is it finds other people that are sitting next to you that are going to the same exact concert on the same exact day.
10:23 I think that's really cool. There are people who are selling shoes in Google sheets. They'll take data from Panda Buy and they will put it, they'll put affiliate links in a Google sheet and then share that Google sheet with a bunch of people who are buying shoes and every time someone clicks and buys
10:40 that shoe, they get money. They're earning money this way. These are really surprising ways to create. Curated databases. But I think curated databases are amazing.
10:50 What I would do, if you are a Better Sheets member and you're watching this right now, go and get a bookmarklet just called Bookmarklet.
10:57 It's a video here that I share. It is a JavaScript little thing, watch this video, let's make a bookmarklet. Why that is, is because it will create, you'll basically get a Google Sheet and then a little button on your Chrome bookmark bar.
11:15 If you are at a website, one click gathers the URL and the title. You take that URL and the title and then one click, it automatically puts it in a Google form and then you write a little context and it adds it to a Google Sheet.
11:27 So in that moment that you're at a website and you're like, hey, I want to bring this website, the title, the URL, and the title. Some thoughts into a Google Sheet, right?
11:36 The way you would do it is you copy this, you'd go to that Google Sheet, find it, if it might be closed, it might be in your drive, paste it in, get the title of the page, write some notes, but right away from the page, you can just click that one button and it automatically goes.
11:50 That's what I ended up building Better Letters, which is a tool that actually does that for newsletter creators uses this technology, this bookmarklet, but you can just use this bookmarklet, go check it out, this video, let's make a bookmarklet, it's one of the most popular videos.
12:06 On better sheets at all, so go check it out and consider creating a curated database. Bye.


Selling Spreadsheets Course Introduction

SECTION 1 - You Are The Sheet

What Sucks About Selling Spreadsheets And How to Solve These Problems

Coupon Code Maker Updates February 2024 - New Dashboard

How to Make Good Looking Spreadsheets

Curate Google Sheets Easily - Automatic Bookmarklet Maker

Explore Your Spreadsheet Selling Options

What you know matters

Who you are matters

How you think matters

Why you think it matters, matters

Surprising Things about Selling Spreadsheets

SECTION 2 - Your Spreadsheet Blueprint

Easiest Sheet Ever to Sell

Problems Everywhere, and the Spreadsheets that Solve Them

The #1 Mistake Spreadsheet Sellers Make and how to Save People Time

Customer’s Context Is King

The Two T’s: Turn Templates into Tools

Create a Branded Lead Magnet from Qualitative Data

Tracker Tactics

SECTION 3 - How to Make a Spreadsheet

Ask Questions

Quality Curation

Fabulous Filters

Wield Wizardry

Automatic Calculations

Automate Emails

You Must Double Duplicate (If you're selling a sheet you use)

Different Kinds of Automation

How do I prevent people from sharing my spreadsheets by making a copy?

SECTION 4 - Spreadsheet Sales Mastery

Write The Sales Page

The Strangest Secret to Selling a Spreadsheet

The F Word

Reciprocity Rules

Pricing Strategies for Spreadsheets

Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques

Avoid A Multi-Tier Approach

SECTION 5 - Marketing Mastery

Where to Sell Spreadsheets - Marketplace Marketing

Customer Service is Marketing

Six Figure Secrets

How to Sell Spreadsheets on AppSumo Marketplace

Protect Your Spreadsheet IP

Lock Your Sheets with OnlySheets

Weird Idea: Find a Great Sheet Domain Name

A Few New Spreadsheet Business Ideas

SECTION 6 - Spreadsheet Breakdowns

Maximize Spreadsheet Sales to Startups

A Spreadsheet CRM: Automation at work

How to Make Better Lead Magnets

How to Turn a Simple List into an Epic Lead Magnet

The Art of the Sell: Breaking down a Free Title Generator

How to Make an AI Integrated Freebie Spreadsheet