Write The Sales Page

About this Tutorial

How to write a great sales page, that solves problems, and happens to mention it’s a Google Sheet.

Video Transcript

00:00 So we're selling a spreadsheet and we need to create a sales page for that and in this video I'm gonna walk through literally walking through a sales page that I'm creating myself.
00:09 Here is a Wikipedia trends tracker It is a sheet that allows you to enter any 2 or 3 literal Wikipedia pages and then look at a chart and see what a visual representation of the page views every single ah month for the last 5 years and this is really cool right uhm this is really useful for market research
00:32 trends and uh tracking kind of anything you want to see 2 things and like put them up against each other uh in this particular view I'm looking at the 2 things winter olympics and summer olympics and we find something very interesting here we find that any time that there is.
00:48 a spike in either winter or summer olympics the other one also has a spike so that's a very interesting thing if you're doing anything related to the olympics and you're like wondering should I do either winter or summer olympics or should I be doing something that's olympic related.
01:04 instead of these and this actually sort of proves that you can niche down uh to either winter or summer and not necessarily uh be uh what's the word you're not gonna be cross or bad if people are searching for summer they'll they'll also look at winter if people are looking at winter they'll also look
01:23 at summer so you can sort of hedge your bets here or um you know dominate the market an old every four years um you can also see like the actual page views here um is around 50k Yeah 50k to 100k every month when there are no Olympics and then it actually shoots up um to 800,000 page views during the 
01:48 Olympics during the two weeks of the Olympics uh that is . 2, 1 order of magnitude more but it's also 8, more than 8x maybe 16 to 8 times.
02:02 Uh, so you can sort of look at this as like you're tracking these trends. But you can also compare things that actually .
02:08 . They have like universality over the course of uh the year and like this is very seasonal. But here we're comparing three things just Google Slides, Google Docs and Google Sheets and you can see how Google Docs gets way more views like 2 to 3x more than Google Sheets or Google Slides.
02:23 Uh, but there's also also a weird thing going on if you like look more directly at these charts. Uh June July there is an actual dip sort of every single year.
02:33 Um, no matter what the relative rank of the year is there's just a relative to that year there's a dip during June July.
02:40 So that's something that you can plan ahead for and say okay during June and July we're gonna have less page views um generally in this topic.
02:46 Like if the Wikipedia page is having this page view dip then perhaps the entire industry is as well. Um, but this track and tracker before I- go on to write the sales page um you can keep adding any pages you want to hear.
03:01 We can look at I've added Zapier and like click up and let's like look at those two. We can just double click here to go to click up and Zapier or Zapier.
03:12 It's not it's not alphabetical and so what it'll start doing is you know start grabbing that data and it'll chart it immediately uh we'll take a moment and see now AC Zapier is on the up uh click up is probably also on the general up over the last five years.
03:28 uh but we'll take a moment to see and the data is all being crunched over here on these uh oh some errors okay.
03:36 I think the reason for this is because click up is not actually viewed very much. Let's look at like something um just google.
03:44 Zappier and Google Docs. Let's just compare these two random things right. Um again it'll just start looking for the visualization.
03:52 I think it was just click up literally isn't viewed a lot. Alright Zappier thinking you know it's on the up and up and it's like a wikipedia The other page is getting 15k views in the last this little jump up here.
04:05 But Google Docs is just way ahead right. Like it's gonna take a jump of 20x? 10? Yeah 20x? Get to what Google Docs is being searched for.
04:19 So like we can look at this as an umm in addition to any kind of trend tracking we're doing on other things like Reddit, subreddits, or umm uh keyword planning if you're using keyword planner or some kind of something like hrefs.
04:33 We can add this to our market research. Umm and when we're creating a sales page for this we want to talk about umm the key is talking about this benefits right.
04:42 Uh but there's this age old question of either benefits or features. Uh the feature is You can you can track two things.
04:50 But what's the benefit of that is you can see them visually like trend, like visually see the trends and get better insights right.
04:59 That's the benefit. Umm and I think the answer is you say the benefits and. But let's talk about actually specifically selling spreadsheets.
05:07 One thing that I one reason why I made this uh literal trend tracker and why you may make some spreadsheets yourself is nothing exists on the market to do this.
05:18 Uh either something it does exist and it's uh some subscription service let's say. Uh or it's hard to capture this data into a structured format.
05:29 Uh maybe you can download CSPs but you're like hey once I download these CSPs I want to actually do something with them so I want to do this with a Google feed.
05:35 So there's some need. And you have that need. You've built this sheet for some reason. And so I would say when you're creating any sales page and we'll do that right here is walk through the journey so again the age old question is benefits or features and my answer is benefits and features but.
05:52 What? As a product of your journey. Okay I hope this makes sense as we walk through it but I'm gonna just call this Wikipedia trends track and I'm using Gumroad here.
06:01 Again you can put your uhh you can put a sales page sort of anywhere you can put on your own site you stripe you can put it anywhere but I.
06:08 And like Gumroad because it is technically free to set up uhh it is great for free bees it is great for uhh digital products that you uhh fulfill immediately.
06:20 You can capture the emails into your own thing like I use ConvertKit. Take emails from Gumroad, put them in and come ConvertKit and then I send them uhh email marketing from my own company, right?
06:29 But they get either a free bee or they buy something like only sheets or coupon code maker or some tool that I made.
06:34 But I'll put the name here, Wikipedia TransTracker, digital product, pricing. I will talk about pricing later in this Thank you.
06:40 Uh, series. But right now, I'm gonna, I'm gonna say about 20, 25 bucks. Umm, probably want it maybe even $30 uhh because it's really doing something that I think I have not seen out on the market.
06:53 It's uhh, it's charting, it's comparing We'll see you We'll see you next Insights. We can also do something about tracking like say we can add some cool automations to this.
07:03 Which we actually already have some type of app script which is gathering this data. It is literally impossible to gather the data without the API.
07:10 We're using the Wikipedia page API. So we've done the work of integrating with that. Um but we can also do things like tracking like hey if this if this trend doubles or gets to a certain point email me that day or that month, right?
07:23 Um we can add some really cool automations to that. So I think in the thirty to fifty dollar ranges. totally fine for this kind of thing.
07:30 You might think hey this is like a really simple sheet I made in a day. I should make it for free.
07:34 And I think free is just a really poor way to start off. I think if you want to validate this kind of thing that you're creating put a price tag on it.
07:43 Um I'm now actually get thinking around $20 until I add that animation and I might increase the price. So right now I'm gonna put it for $20 and let's next customize.
07:54 Let's write the page. And again my my thinking and my framework here and I want to give that We'll see this gift of a framework to you is to think about your own journey.
08:03 Hey, I made this uh trend tracker uh because I could not find a visual-blized reppries and patient of uh two or more Wikipedia pages and their page view trends over the last five years.
08:25 That's a lot of words. I understand that. But this is just me sort of getting that journey out. It's like, okay, here was the problem.
08:31 Umm. And I can always delete this later. I like to sort of run through what is this journey. And here's the journey.
08:39 It's like here's a problem. This is the problem I had. I looked for the solution in this place, this place, this place.
08:45 There may be a costly version of this. There may be a case. Time-consuming version of this. Uh, and you say these things.
08:51 Um, if I wanted to get this data I needed to learn how to use the Wikipedia page use API I'm presenting this as a problem because I myself have overcome this but the viewer and the user may not and they may not even know that this exists so Wikipedia page view API does exist and they can use it but it
09:18 took a long time to to learn how to use APIs I would have to learn how to use APIs and get and get that data into a structured format That's it.
09:36 Now, here's the cool thing. I have yet to actually say Google Sheets and I will talk about that in another video, actually the next video about the strangest secret to selling spreadsheets is not to sell spreadsheets, it's to sell the solution and say oh it happens to be a spreadsheet.
09:49 Um. Um, Google Sheets solves my problems and maybe yours too. It's charting, feature makes, it's super simple to chart the page view.
10:10 over the past five years. I made this template so you can access the trends. So you can see a- a chart comparing two trends immediately.
10:33 Also you can see three trends in one chart. Combine Bye! these charts, ah these separate data points was hard but Google Sheets helped so much.
10:56 Again, this is just me sort of rambling off, I might edit this later, umm but again we're talking about the journey and we're, this is the cool thing about this sort of sales page type of framework that I want to give you, this journey of the user.
11:08 Your journey is the journey that the user is taking. and at this moment once we present the problem we finally say hey the answer is this Google Sheets, is this Google Sheet that I made myself.
11:21 The user is going to be going through a buy or build question. Uh this is the comparison. And they're going to do in their mind.
11:29 And so we can actually do this for them right here. And we can essentially say of course it's a Google Sheet.
11:36 We know that. You could build it yourself if you knew how to use the API. If you knew uh how to do this charting.
11:43 ah. But we've made this super simple. So like now with this pedia trends tracker you can immediately pick two or more pages off.
12:00 On Wikipedia enter them and see the chart of the last five years of page views per month. So we're essentially saying Yeah, it's a Google Sheet.
12:18 You can build this if you knew the API, if you knew how to use the chart, but like hey, I made this and you can do use it immediately.
12:25 And so that for twenty bucks someone's gonna be like alright, let me go to like maybe they're actually going to start.
12:34 And they might actually go to YouTube and be like how do I use the Wikipedia page views and they're gonna start watching in like five minutes and be like oh my god, this is an hour long video.
12:41 I don't want to do this. They're going to, and they may even see my own video, right? I'm gonna make a video on how to build this and it'll be more than an hour.
12:48 Uh, on how to build the API integration, how to do the data, how to do the chart, how to do two versus three, which is two very different uh combinations.
13:00 We have other tabs here that combine these two. Uh, this is- literally like all day to make. And so for twenty bucks to say, okay yes I can watch this hour long or two hour long video and spend the day making this, or I can spend twenty bucks and get this right away.
13:16 And start using it immediately. It's awesome, right? Um. You can talk about your authority here in literal terms. Say, hey, um I have an example later in the course in the Celis Breschitz here about uh John doing log books for pilots.
13:32 He is a pilot. He went through the process of becoming a pilot and then found out that like these physical log books could be done in Google sheets and then the uh the way that you uh submit your data like as a pilot every young pilot has to go through this uh if you did it by hand is an onerous and 
13:52 No. awful situation to then like give that those log books to a uh authority but if you did it in a Google sheet you literally download CSV and hit send and so what he did is like that's the value proposition is hey yeah you could actually put all your data in a Google sheet uh figure out the structure
14:09 and figure out the export but I did that all for you and I am a pilot I've been a pilot for five years I went through this process I speak this language um speak the language of yourself as the user and the user is going to really understand that process.
14:24 and as you walk through it so that's a framework that I would like to give you in this video is make sure you uh share with the user your journey it's going to map exactly to what they did did they search for um pricey trend tracking tools like there is newsletters um these kinds of like trends.vc that
14:45 I think it's something like not fifty bucks a month I think trends.co is from HubSpot it's like two hundred dollars a year or something there are pricey ways to like look at trends and find trends but like if you knew the topics already and maybe this is something that I would write a little bit more
15:01 about is like hey there's these really cool newsletters that trend that uh have market data but like what if you could create that market data yourself or bring new insights because you want to get the actual data or is it useful for SEO purposes if you're doing keyword research and you're like hey I
15:18 want to look at these two or three keywords and look at them in addition to just search volume I want to look at page views of Wikipedia, market research, a lot of use cases for this.
15:28 But I haven't walked through those myself. I have actually uhh applied, not applied. Subscribe to these uhh newsletters and I always find that their analysis is a little bit lacking.
15:38 Like I want to see something else and I want to see these charts in myself. So that's why I made this.
15:43 Like I want to see the- I just started to look at these insights and know, oh there's a dip in June and July.
15:47 I wouldn't know that. I wouldn't trust an analyst to actually do that for me. To say, oh there's this downtrend in June and July for Google Sheets.
15:56 Who knew? Umm. Talk about that in your- sales page right about that and uh what's the coolest thing about this is I think you're talking- you're going to have this framework, right?
16:11 Share your user journey. Talk about all the uh alternatives. Thanks for and then at the end mention it is a google sheet but then lean into it and say hey you can build this yourself absolutely it took me you know three years talk about your expertise it took me five years to become a pilot or do this
16:29 or do that umm I knew charting I know APIs guys there. We're all in here and these features and these benefits are all here together for you.
16:35 Alright in the next few videos we're gonna talk about yes the secret to selling spreadsheets is to not to sell not to sell a spreadsheet umm we're talking about why free sucks and we're also gonna talk about why free in some cases.
16:48 This may actually be really good and I'm gonna come back probably to this uh competed trend tracker in that video.


Selling Spreadsheets Course Introduction

How To Change Date Format Automatically

What Sucks About Selling Spreadsheets And How to Solve These Problems

SECTION 1 - You Are The Sheet

Coupon Code Maker Updates February 2024 - New Dashboard

How to Make Good Looking Spreadsheets

Curate Google Sheets Easily - Automatic Bookmarklet Maker

Explore Your Spreadsheet Selling Options

What you know matters

Who you are matters

How you think matters

Why you think it matters, matters

Surprising Things about Selling Spreadsheets

SECTION 2 - Your Spreadsheet Blueprint

Easiest Sheet Ever to Sell

Problems Everywhere, and the Spreadsheets that Solve Them

The #1 Mistake Spreadsheet Sellers Make and how to Save People Time

Customer’s Context Is King

The Two T’s: Turn Templates into Tools

Create a Branded Lead Magnet from Qualitative Data

Tracker Tactics

SECTION 3 - How to Make a Spreadsheet

Ask Questions

Quality Curation

Fabulous Filters

Wield Wizardry

Automatic Calculations

Automate Emails

You Must Double Duplicate (If you're selling a sheet you use)

Different Kinds of Automation

How do I prevent people from sharing my spreadsheets by making a copy?

SECTION 4 - Spreadsheet Sales Mastery

Write The Sales Page

The Strangest Secret to Selling a Spreadsheet

The F Word

Reciprocity Rules

Pricing Strategies for Spreadsheets

Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques

Avoid A Multi-Tier Approach

SECTION 5 - Marketing Mastery

Where to Sell Spreadsheets - Marketplace Marketing

Customer Service is Marketing

Six Figure Secrets

How to Sell Spreadsheets on AppSumo Marketplace

Protect Your Spreadsheet IP

Lock Your Sheets with OnlySheets

Weird Idea: Find a Great Sheet Domain Name

A Few New Spreadsheet Business Ideas

SECTION 6 - Spreadsheet Breakdowns

Maximize Spreadsheet Sales to Startups

A Spreadsheet CRM: Automation at work

How to Make Better Lead Magnets

How to Turn a Simple List into an Epic Lead Magnet

The Art of the Sell: Breaking down a Free Title Generator

How to Make an AI Integrated Freebie Spreadsheet