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Unique Features - Design a Better Dashboard Part 2
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We're only gonna show necessary information in the way that we need to show it. We're also gonna keep a lot of data or math equations out of view, and we're also gonna show not just the data, not just the actual number where app, we're gonna show that comparison. Delta changes between, uh, month over month time periods, week to week.
Daily, we can do a lot of different comparisons, but we're gonna show the data plus that comparison. And these help us. So first I just wanna remind you that we can set our own colors. Uh, when you're creating a dashboard, even in Google Sheets, one of the simplest and sort of lazy and easiest things to do is to create just black and white information.
But if you set your own colors for your business, Hey, you can even screenshot that and, and share that in, uh, emails. Instead of having to share a Google sheet, you can just share a really nice, uh, uh, version. Or you can even, um, if you have, uh, some interesting charts you can make in Google sheets, in your colors, and then share them on like LinkedIn publicly if you wanna share certain, uh, information.
But also it makes it, uh, feel better and closer to your branding if you have even a small company, 3, 4, 5 people, or even up to 10 people. Um, as long as you're working within your own colors and you see these colors all the time, it makes you feel like you're part of, you know, a team. Um, we're gonna use conditional formatting.
Uh, this is really good for, uh, sort of creating heat maps and creating, um, types of, um, comparison without having, uh, in addition to seeing the numbers. Uh, so you see some liquidations of colors, but you can also, um, create some interesting things with conditional formatting. Um, and you might have seen my other, uh, video.
I do a lot of more interesting creative use of conditional formatting. There all, there's like a whole video all about conditional formatting. Uh, this gauge chart is a rather interesting chart. You can set the colors on it, you can set its minimum maximum, and. This, just like I was talking about in the last video, is speedometer where you can use this to see if an some piece of information or some data is within a good range.
Or if it's like too much or too little, um, and you can use this, uh, literally in your dashboard. Um, I'm also gonna share with you these characters. This is an up and down Chevron, I think, and I think they're actually like other, I think they actually have a real name, like a, it's probably some kind of accent, but we're gonna use it as an up chevron and a down Chevron to show up and down.
We can actually, uh, even color these right now. This isn't a fun of Forta, but we can change this to. Be any style and why I share the character number is because the way we get it is literally doing this formula equals C H A R for character, uh, and then 7 0 8 for up and 7, 0 9 for down. This is going to help us showcase.
um, that those deltas, right? If we see something going up or down, we're gonna a, see the number is up, uh, a positive. We may see a number that's negative, or we may just see two numbers and we don't know if it's going up or down based on. Our temporal or like time, right? Week, week, week over week or month over month.
Um, this helps us literally see, oh, we're on Upward Slope. We'll also create some little charts, um, some spark lines maybe. Um, I have a whole, um, video series on a progress bar. We're probably gonna skip that because that's in the other video. But we might, um, we may jump into some other things when we build a dashboard.
So these are all the features we're gonna. Uh, go through it and, uh, I'll see you in the next video to actually build the dashboard.
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