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How To Update Your Add-on

About this Tutorial

How to update your add-on when you update your code for fixes or add functionality. 

Video Transcript

0:00 So the question has come up that once you have an add-on, it's in the marketplace and you want to update it.
0:08 You want to fix any errors or you want to add things to it. How do you do that? Well, the first thing is go back to your original Apps Script and do the changes, especially fix just do them in the original Apps Script and then click deploy and uh do again as a web app.
0:29 What you're going to get is this. You'll see new deployment and it'll say a version number here. So, this is Better Formulas.
0:36 This is an add-on that I made where it includes two, um, uh, new formulas, one fixes an old formula that's in Google Sheets that I just fixed an error, uh, that it constantly has, and then the other one is one that, uh, just a formula that I wanted to have.
0:51 And, literally today I was like, I wish I had another formula, so I just added that formula here. So, it's actually the isDomain formula.
1:00 Basically, there's is an isEmail formula that I fix in this, but, uh, there is no isDomain formula. Is there a domain that exists inside of a cell in text?
1:11 And, it's pretty much simple, uh, regex, or regular expressions. And you can do that with regex or regex. Uhm, extract or match, but, like, you have to keep remembering what that regular expression is.
1:28 So, I wanted to just put it in here in Javascript, with Javascript, and so I did. Now, I deployed a new version.
1:33 This is version 3 of it. Uhm, what I'm gonna do is, I can go to console.cloud.google.com. Where we originally were before, where we, uhm, created it.
1:44 I'm gonna go to the correct, uh, owner. And I'm gonna go to my, uh, project that I have in, that's called Better Formulas.
1:55 Now, this, this one is different than the CPM one that I showed you in the other, in the previous the rest of the course, uhm, I haven't updated the CPM function yet, but I am updating this add-on.
2:06 So, here, we have to go back to our old friend, uhm, Marketplace SDK. So we can search for it up here, not Marketplace, but Google Workspace Marketplace SDK.
2:18 Click on that. We're gonna go click on Manage, and very simply, we just need to go, I think, it's either App Configuration or Store Listing or both.
2:30 Uhm, let's scroll down. Yep, it is App Configuration. So, not Store Listing, but App Configuration. Scroll down and, uh, past where we selected that it's an add-on here, Sheets Add-on, or not past it, but here, and you'll see Sheets Add-on Script Version.
2:48 So, many times, this number will be updated because you'll submit it, then you'll get rejected, then you'll have to update it based on the rejections, but even after it's been approved, we can go in and, uhm, update it, and then deploy it again, and now all we need to do is update this number to the 
3:08 correct sheet version number. Click save, and that should be it. Really, that is it. Uhm, there are numerous checks that Google does themselves behind the scenes, one, if you actually change the functionality of your sheet, of your add-on, and you don't update it in the listing, then you're going to 
3:30 have a problem. Like, I just got an email about this, that they are going to take more action, they could just take your add-on down, because A, you got approved for one thing, and then you didn't update it.
3:42 I would say just go and update it in the store listing as well. Anytime you make a change here, let's go, let's get back to here, marketplace SDK, manage, so I just updated, I added a new functionality, so I want to update that in the store listing.
4:00 So go back to store listing here, I'm going to click down and I'm going to add the function that I added here, so a set of formulas to improve custom functions, I did check email and title case and is and adds new.
4:20 improve custom and add title case also adds formulas that are useful in sheets, then in the longer description set of formulas currently is then I will add is domain mirrors the functionality of is email but checks only if there is a domain in the text of a cell this includes all TLDs in the same in 
5:00 known existence there so just checks true or false returns true if a domain exists in the text there we go uh and that is true to what I've tested out I could also add in I have like a screenshot if I wanted to add that to here but we just want to make sure we update the store listing if we are adding
5:28 extra functionality if you're improving a bug if you're improving or uh improving the functionality of it instead of adding functionality I don't think you need to update the text here you just have to fix the bug and move on with our lives uhm it's also super nice to broadcast that in some way if you
5:47 have an email list if you have users that you know of that exist already I will probably email this to my email list at some point in the future it's not that big of a deal but it's just like fun to announce hey this also has this new formula here and I might also wait until I add some more formulas 
6:03 that I might want uhm totally up to you as a owner and creator of your app but I did want to make sure I made this video so that you could see that if we update our deployment that is the key update your app then plus deploy it as an add-on and you'll see this new version version number update that in
6:22 your app configuration in Google Cloud Console in the marketplace workplace marketplace SDK make sure all of that is added and update the text that's a key thing too if you update the functionality add more functionality and do not do the store listing you could be ah in uhm you could be taken down for
6:43 some reason alright hopefully that helps you create add-ons bye