Spreadsheet Automation 101 Lesson 4: UrlFetchApp

About this Tutorial

Use any URL to scrape the web or access an API and get that info into your Google Sheet.

Video Transcript

0:00 Hey. So in this video we're gonna talk about one more function inside of Google App script called URL fetch app.
0:07 This is the core of accessing APIs or any kind of data outside of a sheet. Let's go into our functions function, get data.
0:16 We're gonna rename this as we go through this lesson. We just want to get a function here and get to typing url fetch app.
0:25 Again, it is in the it's already in the auto fill, it's URL fetch app. And then we have some options.
0:31 We have three options here. Fetch, fetch, all, get request. We're gonna be using Fetch. Okay? And we can use any URL here.
0:39 I just wanna show this to you so that we can sort of go on and actually use it. But just want to sit here and get just the URL strength.
0:49 That's all we have to do. Okay? So make a request to a, to fetch some website off of the web.
0:56 We literally just have to use the URL here in this particular example. They use http www.google.com. And to get that, what we end up doing, and it's in the help here, but we'll do variable GOOG equals we do logger dot log and we do Google dot get content text.
1:30 Okay? This allows us to actually get the text of whatever is res. We're, we're, we're getting fetching the response here.
1:37 We can call this I think in their examples they use response. So we'll use like response or R E R E S rests.
1:46 And what this allows us to do, let's go see and actually see what this does, get data, see if we actually get anything out of this.
1:55 We need to review permissions because it's a new set of things we have. Which one of these is it? Connect to an external service.
2:04 So that's the one that's adding whenever we use URL fetch. So check out your permissions, look at that. That gets the actual webpage the entire webpage.
2:15 So if you've ever wanted to scrape the web or access an API and get that information into your Google sheet, this is, we're on the way, this is the path the, we are on the way.
2:27 So just wanted to introduce you, your URL fetch app. Again, just like spreadsheet app, just like mail app. It is something that we can use inside of Google Script and it has a whole bunch of other functions in it and gets us this really cool thing data back from the web into our Google sheet.
2:46 So in the next few lessons, we're gonna use OM DB api. So go ahead, go to OM db api, get your API key, but we'll do that in the next video.
2:53 So see you.


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