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Spreadsheet Automation 101: Introduction to Pre-course Videos
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Video Transcript
0:09 We're going to learn how to use App Scripts again and again and again. In this particular section, I've put in a few videos that'll help you later on.
0:21 They're not in any particular order, but they go through fundamentals of app script that I think are very, very important.
0:29 Now, I hope that you've already done the Learn to Code course that I offer. It's about 38 minutes. It's only, I think five videos no six videos, sorry, five fundamental videos, and then a six, one that goes off a little off the rails a little bit and gives you some more insights.
0:49 But Learn to Code is a very good introduction to just getting through all of the muck and problems and issues of like the fundamentals.
0:57 Sort of one of the interesting things that I found when I was taking coding courses, programming courses and learning myself, is I got stuck a lot on the fundamental tutorials.
1:10 I, I found them to be out of context. I didn't know how this would particularly be used later on. So here's the fundamentals in this particular course.
1:23 I've tried to put them in the pre-course material so that when we enter the actual course material, we can just start running start coding right away.
1:33 But and I've taught this kind of material a few times now, and almost every single time one of the questions comes up about parenthesis, about function syntax, about variables, about Camel case dot notation, all sorts of little things that I end up spending a little bit of five to 10 minutes in the course, sort of going away and, and teaching.
1:57 So I've put these upfront to one so that you have these fundamentals down when you start. But if you end up skipping them now and you go through the course and you're like, but what is this dot thing?
2:11 Or what is, why is there app parenthesis? You can always come back to these later on and, and watch them, and we focus on just that thing.
2:20 I also share with you some errors that might occur if you don't do do it the way that abs script wants you to do it.
2:26 So just in case you see those errors, you can also come back and see, oh, is one of these errors in here.
2:34 So this is all to help you. And if you have more questions, feel free to reach out, ask the questions, especially if you get further and deeper into the course and you're like, Hey, what about, what is this thing?
2:46 I can always add it later on. So I really wanted to get you going. So yeah, enjoy the pre-course videos, all about the fundamentals of app script here in spreadsheet Automation 1 0 1.
3:00 Bye.
Spreadsheet Automation 101: Introduction to Pre-course Videos
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