Build Your Own Free Domain Availability Checker

About this Tutorial

Built a Domain Availability Checker in Google Sheets. You can build your own with the code provided. Use RapidAPI and to get an APIEKY for your own free checker.

Learn how to integrate sheets with a TLD Availability API.

Video Transcript

0:01 So we've created a cool tool inside of Google Sheets called a Domain Availability Checker. So I can type in any word here in B2 and it's going to check all of these, .org, .net all at the same time and it's going to tell me if it's active or inactive.
0:13 If it's active, that means it's taken, someone else has it. But if it's undelegated inactive, that means I can buy it.
0:18 So I can actually go and buy So let's check that out. Let's go to like, domain search and we'll look and see is this for real?
0:28 Is this actually for sale? And yeah, $16 I can get For though, let's check that out. Let's go to and check it out and it is not available.
0:44 It's taken. So this is working. And what are we using in the back end? We're using one thing essentially. Actually, Domainer.
0:52 It's a domain availability API. And we're using RapidAPI for the API key. But uhm, that's all you have to know.
1:01 It's two things. RapidAPI to get the API key. But we're using Domainer, DomainR to check it out. And I'll show you in this video the Apps Script that we use.
1:12 As a member of BetterSheets, you can grab this sheet down below for free. What's cool about it though is that we have all of these things.
1:20 And actually I'll edit the Apps Script a little bit so you know what's going on. Uhm, but I think it's a really cool tool.
1:27 Why? It's because I have listed every single TLD here. And now if you click in the D column, like a com, what I call common one.
1:36 It's the ones that I want to search for all the time and so I've selected out of all of these.
1:45 But we can actually check all of them. So if we want to check .aaa, click here and it will. Load it ah and it will check it.
1:54 If we want to check .accountant. Let's see. Delegate inactivity means it's available. Again, maybe I can just look for
2:05 Of course it's taken. Probably taken as well.. is available. is available. And let's see. Undelegated inactive premium.
2:18 Let's see what that means. Let's go over to here. Search for Okay, so it is available, but it's a little bit high priced.
2:27 That's what it means, I think. 625 bucks. So it means it's premium, so we have to pay a little bit extra for it.
2:36 Okay, so how did I set all of this up? And how does this sheet work, you might be wondering. I will get to the Apps Script eventually, but let me look at a few of the things we have available.
2:45 We have right here. First, we're using B2 to just put a word in. And what we want to do is add all of these TLDs.
2:51 Again, I have all of the TLDs available here on the TLDs page. All the domains are in there. In the A column.
2:57 And so what we're doing here is we're saying if B2 is blank, don't do anything. Just, if, if it's, there's nothing, look, we're gone.
3:05 Nothing's there. But if there is something there, so we're using if is blank, we're using an array formula here, and we're just literally using the ampersand to concatenate what's in B2 and all of the TLDs A2 colon A.
3:18 So we're using an array formula here so we only have to have one formula in all of this, and we get all of these domains.
3:26 Then in the C column we're just using if is blank again, and if there's a 17, meaning there's a check mark, we're going to use the formula check which is a function we've created ourselves, and I'll show you again, we'll get to that eventually.
3:44 Over here we're doing the exact same thing, if is blank, B5, and then each one of these B5 through B14, I've selected a few of these, and I'm using the if is blank here, and I'm filtering all of the TLDs where D is true, DLDs over here, D that's the this checkbox on, so I'm using these checkbox, checkboxes
4:03 to say any of these check, put it in the list, if it's not check, don't put it in list. So now we have, we've been able to take a huge set of data, right, all of these TLDs, there are a lot of them, fifty eighteen, hundred and ninety one domains, and say actually of all of these I just want to feel like
4:23 let's say we want to add .xyz to the next we're going to get a ref error so we just need to add another lah, insert another row, we can add another row here.
4:31 We need . . . to copy paste this down and we've added another row. Cool, super easy, marked price transferable, let's see.
4:38 What else can we do? We can also search for, actually we'll keep it as searched. So yeah we can add more of the common domains and we want to start, we know every word we put in here, we want to search all the time.
4:48 That's why I call them common domains. But all domains we don't want to search through fifteen hundred things every single time we write in a new word.
4:55 So this is a really great way using, if is blank, using check boxes to say hey, I'm going to use of these fifteen hundred, some of these all of these.
5:04 The time, but most of them I want available if I do want it. I don't want to have to go over to the TLD page, get a TLD, add it to the list each and every time I want to use it.
5:12 Oh well I'll just go use this check box and this if is blank. And also an if, right? We're using if as well.
5:19 Not just if is blank. So if it's blank, don't show it. But if there is something in the B column and in the A column, A44 here, we'll do that.
5:29 So go ahead and check out the sheet and now we're going to go into the apscript. So the apscript here doesn't have any API key because I've moved the API key over to API key and I'm going to make the change now.
5:42 Umm but I'll make the change as we walk through this function. So we're function check domain and this domain, this word domain is literally any word we want to use umm whatever's inside inside.
5:52 Of the function on the spreadsheet, we're using the variable domain for in our case. We're going to create the URL here.
6:01 This URL is actually from umm a p uuh rapid API. So in rapid API documentation, I actually copied all of this.
6:12 This URL got the options get, uhh the headers are just the rapid API key and the host. This is all from rapid API.
6:22 So read through the documentation. All we need here is our uhm key. So I'm gonna write API key right here and we're gonna add up above options in below URLs a const API key and it's gonna be equal to spreadsheet app.get active spreadsheet.
6:41 Great show. We're gonna get sheet by name. We're gonna get the API key sheet with the name API key. We're gonna get range and we know it's an A1 and so we're just gonna save it.
6:52 And our hope is as we save this as this API key now gets changed. It was from, it was text here, but now it's gonna be in the sheet API key.
7:01 Nothing will change. If we did this correctly, nothing will change. Umm. This is the option all of the variables that we need.
7:10 And what we're gonna do here in our function is gonna try to get a response from urlfetchapp.fetch. We're gonna get the URL, which is up here, just that URL plus the domain, the main and text on the back end, and the options.
7:24 And the options are just saying, hey, here's the key, here's the host get from get method, not post we'll get that response, and we'll always do response dot get content text when we get a use urlfetchapp, that's what we get the response.
7:39 We're gonna change it into JSON, so we're gonna parse it as if it were JSON because we know from rapid API, hey the response is always gonna be JSON at J-S-O-N.
7:48 Then once we get that JSON, we're gonna do dot status and bracket zero, so we're getting the first thing that names status, and then we're gonna do the status of that.
7:58 And return status. If the there's an error, we're gonna get an error here. We're gonna just try what's above. If we get an error, it's gonna give us in the console error.
8:07 We can also add log. So what we could do here, if we wanted to, was return error. I think Thanks watching! That might be better, so we can, if you're testing this out and you're like hey, this isn't working, why wouldn't it work?
8:22 Umm. We're going to have a problem. Okay, somehow there was uhh the curly bracket at the end was deleted umm but we just fixed it, just added it back in.
8:37 So now we're going to return the error umm if there is an error but umm there is no error now.
8:48 Ah, okay here is what we did get and we do have a problem. Instead of get range we got to not instead of, in addition we have to do get value.
8:55 We're just getting the range here. So we're getting the value, oh my I do that all the time on video umm alright let's save it and see what's going on and yes now we're going we have our availability right here.
9:07 Active and inactive. Nothing changed because we were able to grab the value of that range. So make sure you do that.
9:13 Alright umm yeah again down below here for better sheets members are is this sheet? Get this code if you want it.
9:22 Use this domain availability checker as you wish. You have all the TLDs with an API key that you're gonna have to get your own API key.
9:30 By the time I umm share this this video and sheet I'll have destroyed it. I'm not Thanks watching! This API key that's on here but yeah just an A1 put that API key in there.
9:40 Yours get it from domain R. That's over here umm domain but you'll have to get it through rapid API API.
9:50 It's actually free! I'm not sure if I'm mentioned that earlier but it is absolutely free. Enjoy. Umm feel free to email me any questions and issues you have with this.
9:59 Thanks so much.