Spreadsheet Automation 101: Dot Notation

About this Tutorial

Learn how Dot Notation allows you to go deeper into the functions.

Video Transcript

0:00 Welcome back. I wanted to take a short moment to talk about notation. This is something inside of App Script that we'll see multiple times later on.
0:09 We usually see it when we use the function app spreadsheet app. You'll see that'll be the first time you see it.
0:15 So we'll do something like this. Again, I'm gonna go through this later. And when we get to the end of this word, we add a note a dot.
0:25 This.is a a period, right, is a, in our keyboard. It's just a period, but we can call it a dot.
0:33 And what it allows us to do, especially in app script, we get this auto fill options, which is really, really helpful.
0:43 But what it allows us to do is take the spreadsheet app, the entire thing that it exists and, and we'll get into that later and figure out what is the one thing we wanna do from this.
0:54 We wanna do one action from this spreadsheet app. It gives us sort of a little bit of a way to go into the spreadsheet app.
1:05 We use we'll use in the first time when you see this active spreadsheet. There it is. And then when we get to spreadsheet app dot get active spreadsheet, we can add another dot.
1:18 And this allows us to see what's inside of Get active spreadsheet that we can use. And we'll usually use Get Sheet by name.
1:26 Again, we'll add another.at the end. And again, we're inside of whatever the sheet is that we've added. So the dot notation just I wanted to point out, allows us to go deeper and deeper into the functions that allows us to do much, much more specific things.
1:44 Dot notation is incredibly important because you might want to add commas, you might wanna do other syntax, but in this particular case in Cript, we're just gonna be using dots or periods to go deeper and deeper into all of our functions.
2:00 This also appears when we're, wherever parsing j json or trying to get sort of a big text document. And we, we'll use the dot notation as well there to go deeper and deeper inside.
2:11 And that's pretty much the basic idea. That Dot notation goes deeper and deeper inside into the functions that you're using.
2:19 Right. Bye.


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