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Spreadsheet Automation 101 Lesson 2: Get Values - Introduction
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0:12 Last thing we did was we did spreadsheet app, we got active spreadsheet, we got the sheet by name, we got the range and we got a value.
0:19 We got one value out of an entire range. Now, the only thing we're gonna do here today right now is we are gonna add one letter.
0:27 So on get value, we're gonna change it to get values. Now, what does that do? What does that change about our function that we can do extra?
0:36 Well, one is our get range goes from the starting. So the only thing one, one, which is a one, but it allows us to use that as a starting point to then get any number of rows and any number of columns.
0:49 So if we want to get say, 20 rows and we want to get maybe that one column, so that's one array.
0:56 We'll get into arrays soon, I'll let you know. But what I wanna do is I wanna show you what that looks like because it looks a little different.
1:05 Let's let's delete all of the Git UI and we'll start using logger. I'm gonna go into Logger a little bit later, but we're gonna use logger.
1:14 We're gonna just log the values. Let's change that to the values. Okay, so we're getting 20 rows. What does that look like?
1:24 We're just gonna look at this, Val. The values in this log right here. Let's see what it pulls an un an unknown error occurred.
1:35 Please try again later. All right, <laugh>, we, we'll try once again. Well, this is silly me. All right. Up here on Run, we have to select our function that we're running.
1:45 So this is very important to do, show a, show a one that's a function we're trying to run. And when we click run, we have to make sure we have the selected one running.
1:54 All right, now we're running. Now what do we got here? We got these, these brackets and this is an array of a race, so I'm gonna get into that later in next video.
2:06 But I just wanted to show you right off the bat, we're using Logger, which we'll get into soon. And we're also in this section gonna talk about the for loop.
2:15 That's how we end up actually being able to parse and get the right things at the right time. This is really exciting.
2:21 And then we're gonna end this section with the on edit trigger. It's just like the on open up here. We just write it right in our our app script.
2:32 But it's really exciting because it opens up a lot of options for us. Get ready, let's go get values.
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