

602Google Sheet Tutorials

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An Exclusive Library of Google Sheet Tutorials!

Why Choose Our Google Sheet Tutorials?

🚀 Efficient:

Learn the best Google Sheets formulas and spreadsheet automation techniques to supercharge your workflow. Discover how to automate repetitive tasks effortlessly, saving you valuable time and effort.

🎯 Precise:

Master Google Sheets formulas to ensure your data is always accurate and up-to-date.

🔧 Automate Your Sheets

Delve into the world of Google Apps Script. Automate reporting. Automate your data. Automate your business

Crafting High-Demand Sheets from Scratch. Turn templates into tools to make sellable spreadsheets.
A video I did summarizing the 3 things you can do to help people who share your sheet, not do it, or at least get some value from it.

More info on the course: sellingspreadsheets.com

Get OnlySheets

Someone asked about how to find all the permutations of text and I thought it was a perfect example to show you how to use Spintax add-on. Free for everyone.

→ Get Spintax
Updated the Spintax tool to allow you to generate Spintax. Instead of having to come up with it all yourself, you can let AI generate the Spintax for you. Create variations on headlines, or phrases, or emails.
Learn how to add random movie quotes and famous quotes to a Google Sheet. We'll use RapidAPI to get the code and just have a little bit of editing to the code to be able to use it in Google Sheets.
Curated sites, articles, and more web resources super easily into a Google Sheet. Create a bookmarklet automatically with this apps script tool.
Built a Domain Availability Checker in Google Sheets. You can build your own with the code provided. Use RapidAPI and Domainr.com to get an APIEKY for your own free checker.

Learn how to integrate sheets with a TLD Availability API.
Find out how to turn some data you can copy/paste from the web into a branded lead magnet for yourself.

Check out Josh's Tweet about the sheet.
and check out his Podia.
The video shows the importance of adding personal touches to a Google Sheet to connect better with users. It explains how to analyze the sheet's data to find trends and best practices for website content. Lastly, it discusses ways to share the sheet widely while still giving credit to its creator.
Create nice colorful sheets (contrasting colors) that look and feel like an extension of your site. Add some padding around text. Decrease text and make your sheets awesome.
Got this question in the Facebook Group: How to count the number of numbers in a row. I saw two possible solutions mentioned in the comments and wanted to go through why those are okay but there is a much more flexible and better solution.
Automatically uncheck a whole range of checkboxes. Or just do it yourself with the spacebar.
I created a weight loss tracker template for myself and thought you, and all members would like it. So get it, copy it, and start your weight loss journey today. Comes with a nice chart already so all you have to do is add your numbers every day.
Let me tell about some cool hacks you can do with checkboxes. Like making a checkbox have alternative values, or making a checkbox look like a button, not a check mark.
Create rounded pill form fields in Google Sheets.
Using Canva and a bit of a transparent PNG hack, you can make these very easily too!

also make sure to check out Coupon Code Maker a software product I sell that generates thousands of coupon codes in a click.

Recently updated dashboard makes it really cool! 
Update to Coupon Code Maker
Available for free for lifetime members. Buy via Gumroad if you're not yet a member.
Watch the video because there are discount codes I show you in the video to get Coupon Code Maker for less than $30.  
Yes I use Coupon Code Maker myself. It's how I put products from Gumroad onto AppSumo Marketplace.
Build a simple function that deletes undone items in our checklist.

Displaying items 121-140 of 602 in total