List of 500+ Google Sheet Formulas and How to Use Them

Are you ready to transform your spreadsheets into powerful tools? Transform your analysis, reporting, and data management.

Our curated list of 500+ Google Sheet formulas provides step-by-step guides on using the most popular formulas, like: VLOOKUP, SUMIF, COUNTIF, IF, FILTER, and INDEX.

  • Unlock the potential of VLOOKUP: Perfect for managing inventory.
  • Discover the versatility of SUMIF: ideal for filtering data and summation.
  • Learn the many uses of IF: a powerful tool to build logic in to your spreadsheets.
  • Dive into advanced formulas like INDEX and FILTER: You'll need these for deep analysis.

At Better Sheets, we not only demystify complex formulas but also offer insights into commonly misused ones.

The goal is to help you become a Google Sheets expert, so you can create powerful spreadsheets that save you time and effort.

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Most Used Formulas


Use VLOOKUP() when you want a specific value in a column of data. Use VLOOKUP() when you want to retrieve information from a different column based on that value. Great for creating amazing summaries, dynamic reports, or managing inventory


When you need to calculate the sum of values in a range of cells that meet specific criteria, use SUMIF(). Great to use when you need to filter data. For instance, you can use it to sum all the revenue generated from a particular region, all the orders placed by a specific customer, or all the products with a certain attribute.


Use COUNTIF() when you're trying to figure out frequency. Learn how to use COUNTIF in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: SUMIF. Depending on what you're trying to do, COUNTIF could be your solution or not.

Most Popular Formulas


Powerful and mysterious. Use IF() to make your spreadsheets gateways. Learn how to use IF in Google Sheets. Also check out it's oft-partner ISBLANK()


the FILTER() formula in Google Sheets allows you to filter data based on a set of criteria. Learn how to use FILTER in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible combination alternative: INDEX/SORT.


A seemingly innocent and useless formula can be so powerful. INDEX pairs nicely with MATCH to replace VLOOKUP. And it's uses are almost endless. Learn more about the INDEX() formula in Google Sheets.

Most Misused Formulas


Powerful vlookup and easy to use. Learn how to use VLOOKUP in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: INDEX/MATCH.


Don't know the syntax, or how to use SUMIF? Learn how to use SUMIF in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: COUNTIF. Depending on what you're trying to do, SUMIF could be your solution or not.


Probably the most easily misspelled formula in all of Google Sheets. Learn how to use CONCATENATE in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: JOIN.

515Google Sheets Formulas

Directory of every Google Sheets formula, From ABS to ZTEST, including Vlookup and, my favorite, IF()

Converts a number to Thai text with the suffix Baht for integer values and Satang for decimal val...
Returns the length of a string in bytes.Common Questions about the LENB Formula:What does the LEN...
Tests whether two strings are identical.Common Questions about the EXACT Formula:1. What does the...
EXACT(string1, string2)
Computes the value of a Roman numeral.Common Questions about the ARABIC formula:1. What is the AR...
Returns the unique count of a range depending on multiple criteria.Example Usage:COUNTUNIQUEIFS(A...
COUNTUNIQUEIFS(count_unique_range, criteria_range1, criterion1, [criteria_range2, criterion2, ...])
Returns the probability of drawing a specific number of successes or range of successes given a p...
BINOM.DIST.RANGE(num_trials, prob_success, num_successes, max_num_successes)
Converts a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds to a datetime in Univer...
EPOCHTODATE(timestamp, [unit])
This function calculates the margin of error from a range of values and a confidence level.
MARGINOFERROR(range, confidence)
This function transforms an array or range of cells into a single row. TOROW can scan values:By c...
TOROW(array_or_range, [ignore], [scan_by_column])
This function transforms an array or range of cells into a single column. TOCOL can scan values:B...
TOCOL(array_or_range, [ignore], [scan_by_column])
This function creates a new array from the selected rows in the existing range.
CHOOSEROWS(array, row_num1, [row_num2])
This function wraps the provided row or column of cells by rows after a specified number of eleme...
WRAPROWS(range, wrap_count, [pad_with])
This function wraps the provided row or column of cells by columns after a specified number of el...
WRAPCOLS(range, wrap_count, [pad_with])
This function appends ranges vertically and in sequence to return a larger array.
VSTACK(range1; [range2, …])
This function appends arrays horizontally and in sequence to return a larger array.
HSTACK(range1; [range2, …])
This function assigns a name with the value_expression results and returns the result of the form...
LET(name1, value_expression1, [name2, …], [value_expression2, …], formula_expression )
Returns the secant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" return...
Formats a number into the locale-specific currency format.Common Questions about the DOLLAR Formu...
DOLLAR(number, [number_of_places])
Returns the numeric Unicode map value of the first character in the string provided.Common Questi...
Returns the text with the non-printable ASCII characters removed.Common Questions about the CLEAN...
Converts full-width ASCII and katakana characters to their half-width counterparts. All standard-...
Returns the depreciation of an asset for a particular period (or partial period).Common questions...
VDB(cost, salvage, life, start_period, end_period, [factor], [no_switch])
See Z.TEST.Common Questions About the ZTEST Formula- What is the purpose of the ZTEST formula?- H...
ZTEST(data, value, [standard_deviation])
Returns the Fisher transformation of a specified value.Common Questions About the FISHER Formula:...
Returns the one-tailed P-value of a Z-test with standard distribution.Common questions about the ...
Z.TEST(data, value, [standard_deviation])
Also See WEIBULLCommon questions about the WEIBULL.DIST formula include: What is the WEIBULL.DIST...
WEIBULL.DIST(x, shape, scale, cumulative)
Returns the value of the Weibull distribution function (or Weibull cumulative distribution functi...
WEIBULL(x, shape, scale, cumulative)
Returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers and/or cells.Common questions about the SUM...
SUMSQ(value1, [value2, ...])
Calculates the variance based on an entire population, setting text to the value `0`.Common Quest...
VARPA(value1, value2,...)
Calculates the variance based on an entire population.Common Questions About the VARP Formula:• W...
VARP(value1, value2)
Calculates an estimate of variance based on a sample, setting text to the value `0`.Common questi...
VARA(value1, value2)
Also See VARCommon questions about the VAR.S formula:1. What does the VAR.S formula do?2. What fu...
VAR.S(value1, [value2, ...])
See VARPCommon questions about the VAR.P formula include: - What does the VAR.P formula do? - How...
VAR.P(value1, [value2, ...])
Calculates the mean of a dataset excluding some proportion of data from the high and low ends of ...
TRIMMEAN(data, exclude_proportion)
Calculates the internal rate of return of an investment based on a specified series of potentiall...
XIRR(cashflow_amounts, cashflow_dates, [rate_guess])
Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a specified series of potentially irre...
XNPV(discount, cashflow_amounts, cashflow_dates)
Calculates the annual yield of a security paying interest at maturity, based on price.Common ques...
YIELDMAT(settlement, maturity, issue, rate, price, [day_count_convention])
The GAMMA.INV function returns the value of the inverse gamma cumulative distribution function fo...
GAMMA.INV(probability, alpha, beta)
Calculates the inverse of the left-tailed F probability distribution. Also called the Fisher-Sned...
F.INV(probability, degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)
Returns a number corresponding to the error value in a different cell.Common Questions about the ...
Checks whether a provided number is between two other numbers either inclusively or exclusively.C...
ISBETWEEN(value_to_compare, lower_value, upper_value, lower_value_is_inclusive, upper_value_is_inclusive)
Calculates the probability for Student's t-distribution with a given input (x).Common Questions A...
TDIST(x, degrees_freedom, tails)
Checks whether a value is a valid email address.Common questions about the ISEMAIL formula includ...
Checks whether a value is an error other than `#N/A`.Common questions about the ISERR formula: - ...
Calculates the inverse of the two-tailed TDIST function.Common questions about the T.INV.2T formu...
T.INV.2T(probability, degrees_freedom)
Calculates the negative inverse of the one-tailed TDIST function.Common questions about the T.INV...
T.INV(probability, degrees_freedom)
Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`.Common questions about the ISNA Formula:What is the IS...
Calculates the sum of squares of deviations based on a sample.Common questions about the DEVSQ fo...
DEVSQ(value1, value2)

Displaying items 193-240 of 515 in total