Common questions about the ISEMAIL formula include:
- What is the syntax of the formula?
- Which version of ISEMAIL is supported?
- How can I check if an email address is valid?
The ISEMAIL formula can be used appropriately to validate an email address is properly formatted and matches up to domain name standards.
The ISEMAIL formula can be commonly mistyped as ISEMAIL without parentheses, which is a syntax error. Also ISMAIL, ISMEAIL, ISEMAL.
Common ways the ISEMAIL formula is used inappropriately include incorrectly checking for an email address or attempting to use it as a verification tool.
Common pitfalls when using the ISEMAIL formula include incorrectly evaluating email addresses and relying too much on the validity of returned results.
Common mistakes when using the ISEMAIL Formula include not realising that the ISEMAIL Formula is not stringent enough to check for valid domains, typos, and outdated addresses.
Common misconceptions people might have with the ISEMAIL Formula include thinking it can check for valid domains, email sending capabilities, and email inbox availability.