List of 500+ Google Sheet Formulas and How to Use Them

Are you ready to transform your spreadsheets into powerful tools? Transform your analysis, reporting, and data management.

Our curated list of 500+ Google Sheet formulas provides step-by-step guides on using the most popular formulas, like: VLOOKUP, SUMIF, COUNTIF, IF, FILTER, and INDEX.

  • Unlock the potential of VLOOKUP: Perfect for managing inventory.
  • Discover the versatility of SUMIF: ideal for filtering data and summation.
  • Learn the many uses of IF: a powerful tool to build logic in to your spreadsheets.
  • Dive into advanced formulas like INDEX and FILTER: You'll need these for deep analysis.

At Better Sheets, we not only demystify complex formulas but also offer insights into commonly misused ones.

The goal is to help you become a Google Sheets expert, so you can create powerful spreadsheets that save you time and effort.

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Most Used Formulas


Use VLOOKUP() when you want a specific value in a column of data. Use VLOOKUP() when you want to retrieve information from a different column based on that value. Great for creating amazing summaries, dynamic reports, or managing inventory


When you need to calculate the sum of values in a range of cells that meet specific criteria, use SUMIF(). Great to use when you need to filter data. For instance, you can use it to sum all the revenue generated from a particular region, all the orders placed by a specific customer, or all the products with a certain attribute.


Use COUNTIF() when you're trying to figure out frequency. Learn how to use COUNTIF in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: SUMIF. Depending on what you're trying to do, COUNTIF could be your solution or not.

Most Popular Formulas


Powerful and mysterious. Use IF() to make your spreadsheets gateways. Learn how to use IF in Google Sheets. Also check out it's oft-partner ISBLANK()


the FILTER() formula in Google Sheets allows you to filter data based on a set of criteria. Learn how to use FILTER in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible combination alternative: INDEX/SORT.


A seemingly innocent and useless formula can be so powerful. INDEX pairs nicely with MATCH to replace VLOOKUP. And it's uses are almost endless. Learn more about the INDEX() formula in Google Sheets.

Most Misused Formulas


Powerful vlookup and easy to use. Learn how to use VLOOKUP in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: INDEX/MATCH.


Don't know the syntax, or how to use SUMIF? Learn how to use SUMIF in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: COUNTIF. Depending on what you're trying to do, SUMIF could be your solution or not.


Probably the most easily misspelled formula in all of Google Sheets. Learn how to use CONCATENATE in Google Sheets. Also check out it's possible alternative: JOIN.

515Google Sheets Formulas

Directory of every Google Sheets formula, From ABS to ZTEST, including Vlookup and, my favorite, IF()

Returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 10.Common Questions about the IMLOG10 Formula...
Converts a signed binary number to signed octal format.Common questions about the BIN2OCT formula...
BIN2OCT(signed_binary_number, [significant_digits])
Calculates the end date after a specified number of working days.Common Questions about the WORKD...
WORKDAY(start_date, num_days, [holidays])
See FORECASTCommon questions about the FORECAST.LINEAR formula include:- How does FORECAST.LINEAR...
FORECAST.LINEAR(x, data_y, data_x)
Converts a price quotation given as a decimal value into a decimal fraction.Common questions abou...
DOLLARFR(decimal_price, unit)
Converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed octal format.Common questions about the HEX2OCT fo...
HEX2OCT(signed_hexadecimal_number, significant_digits)
Returns the hyperbolic sine of any real number.Common questions about the SINH Formula include:1....
Returns the multiplicative inverse of a square matrix specified as an array or range.Common quest...
Calculates the price of a security paying interest at maturity, based on expected yield.Common qu...
PRICEMAT(settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield, [day_count_convention])
Calculates the price of a discount (non-interest-bearing) security, based on expected yield.Commo...
PRICEDISC(settlement, maturity, discount, redemption, [day_count_convention])
Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a ...
NPV(discount, cashflow1, [cashflow2, ...])
Converts a price quotation given as a decimal fraction into a decimal value.Common Questions abou...
DOLLARDE(fractional_price, unit)
Removes leading and trailing spaces in a specified string.Common Questions about the TRIM Formula...
Calculates the payment on the principal of an investment based on constant-amount periodic paymen...
PPMT(rate, period, number_of_periods, present_value, [future_value], [end_or_beginning])
Calculates the periodic payment for an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payme...
PMT(rate, number_of_periods, present_value, [future_value], [end_or_beginning])
Calculates the annual nominal interest rate given the effective rate and number of compounding pe...
NOMINAL(effective_rate, periods_per_year)
See CONFIDENCE.NORMCommon questions about the CONFIDENCE formula: 1. What is the CONFIDENCE formu...
CONFIDENCE(alpha, standard_deviation, pop_size)
Returns the value of the inverse standard normal distribution function for a specified value.
Returns the second component of a specific time, in numeric format.
Reduces an array to an accumulated result by application of a LAMBDA function to each value.
REDUCE(initial_value, array_or_range, LAMBDA)
Calculates the skewness of a dataset, which describes the symmetry of that dataset about the mean...
SKEW(value1, value2)
Returns the minimum numeric value in a dataset.Common Questions about the MINA Formula:1. What do...
MINA(value1, value2)
See LOGINVCommon questions about the LOGNORM.INV formula include: - What is the LOGNORM.INV formu...
LOGNORM.INV(x, mean, standard_deviation)
Returns the value at a given percentile of a dataset.Common questions about the PERCENTILE formul...
PERCENTILE(data, percentile)
See NORMINVCommon questions about NORM.INV formula: -What is a normal inverse (NORM.INV) function...
NORM.INV(x, mean, standard_deviation)
See MODECommon questions about the MODE.SNGL formula:1. What does the MODE.SNGL formula do?2. Whe...
MODE.SNGL(value1, [value2, ...])
Returns the probability associated with Student's t-test. Determines whether two samples are like...
T.TEST(range1, range2, tails, type)
Formats a number in Roman numerals.Common questions about the ROMAN formula include: - What does ...
ROMAN(number, [rule_relaxation])
Calculates the standard deviation based on an entire population, setting text to the value `0`.Co...
STDEVPA(value1, value2)
Calculates the normalized equivalent of a random variable given mean and standard deviation of th...
STANDARDIZE(value, mean, standard_deviation)
Calculates the skewness of a dataset that represents the entire population.Common Questions about...
SKEW.P(value1, value2)
Returns the percentage rank (percentile) from 0 to 1 exclusive of a specified value in a dataset....
PERCENTRANK.EXC(data, value, [significant_digits])
Calculates the variance based on a sample.Common questions about the VAR formula:1. What does the...
VAR(value1, [value2, ...])
Returns the percentage rank (percentile) of a specified value in a dataset.Common questions about...
PERCENTRANK(data, value, [significant_digits])
Returns value nearest to a given quartile of a dataset, exclusive of 0 and 4..
QUARTILE.EXC(data, quartile_number)
See T.TEST.Common questions about the T.TEST formula include:1. What type of data is necessary to...
TTEST(range1, range2, tails, type)
Calculates the sum of the products of corresponding entries in two equal-sized arrays or ranges.C...
SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2, ...])
Returns the right tailed Student distribution for a value x.Common Questions about the T.DIST.RT ...
T.DIST.RT(x, degrees_freedom)
Calculates the y-value at which the line resulting from linear regression of a dataset will inter...
INTERCEPT(data_y, data_x)
Returns the number of permutations for selecting a group of objects (with replacement) from a tot...
PERMUTATIONA(number, number_chosen)
Returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function.Common qu...
SUBTOTAL(function_code, range1, [range2, ...])
Returns the Unicode character for a number.Common Questions About the UNICHAR Formula1. What does...
Calculates the harmonic mean of a dataset.Common Questions about the HARMEAN Formula: • What is t...
HARMEAN(value1, value2)
Combines the text from multiple strings and/or arrays, with a specifiable delimiter separating th...
TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], …)
Given partial data about an exponential growth curve, calculates various parameters about the bes...
LOGEST(known_data_y, [known_data_x], [b], [verbose])
Imports data at a given url in .csv (comma-separated value) or .tsv (tab-separated value) format....
Returns the secant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" return...
Returns the Fisher transformation of a specified value.Common Questions About the FISHER Formula:...

Displaying items 145-192 of 515 in total