Formulas > =ARABIC()

How To Use ARABIC() Function in Google Sheets


Computes the value of a Roman numeral.

Common Questions about the ARABIC formula:

1. What is the ARABIC formula?
2. What do the parameters of the ARABIC formula mean?
3. How can the ARABIC formula be used to convert numbers?

How can the ARABIC formula be used appropriately?

The ARABIC formula can be used to convert any number from one number system to another, such as from Western to Arabic numerals. It can also be used to convert any character or symbol into an Arabic numeral.

How can the ARABIC formula be commonly mistyped?

The ARABIC formula is often mistyped as ARABICE, or as ARABICF.

What are some common ways the ARABIC formula is used inappropriately?

The ARABIC formula is commonly used inappropriately by attempting to convert numbers which do not have Arabic counterparts, such as decimals or negative numbers. Additionally, the ARABIC formula can only convert to Arabic numerals and cannot convert from them.

What are some common pitfalls when using the ARABIC formula?

The most common pitfalls when using the ARABIC formula include forgetting to enter the reference number or incorrectly formatting the number or character. Additionally, the formula should not be used to convert numbers which do not have an Arabic counterpart.

What are common mistakes when using the ARABIC Formula?

Common mistakes when using the ARABIC formula include forgetting to enter a reference number, incorrectly formatting the number or character, or trying to convert numbers which do not have an Arabic counterpart.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the ARABIC Formula?

One common misconception people have with the ARABIC formula is that it can convert from Arabic to Western numerals. The ARABIC formula can only be used to convert from Western to Arabic numerals, not the other way around. Additionally, the formula cannot convert any character or symbol into an Arabic numeral, only specific numbers.

How To Actually Use ARABIC() in Sheets


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Learn more about the ARABIC() formula:


Google Sheets is a global tool catering to users worldwide. One of its fantastic features is the support for different languages, including Arabic. This means you can input and display data in Arabic without any issues.

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