Formulas > =SUMPRODUCT()

How To Use SUMPRODUCT() Function in Google Sheets


Calculates the sum of the products of corresponding entries in two equal-sized arrays or ranges.

Common questions about the SUMPRODUCT formula:
- What is the purpose of the SUMPRODUCT formula?
- How does the SUMPRODUCT formula work?
- What are the syntax and arguments for the SUMPRODUCT formula?
- Can the SUMPRODUCT formula handle multiple ranges with different sizes?
- How can I use the SUMPRODUCT formula for conditional summing?

How can the SUMPRODUCT formula be used appropriately?
- Ensure that the ranges being multiplied have the same size.
- Use the SUMPRODUCT formula for multiplying corresponding values in different arrays and summing the products.
- You can use the SUMPRODUCT formula for conditional summing by incorporating boolean expressions inside the formula.

How can the SUMPRODUCT formula be commonly mistyped?
- Misspelling the formula name, e.g., "SUMPORDUCT" instead of "SUMPRODUCT".
- Incorrect use of parentheses or commas, e.g., "SUMPRODUCT(A1:A5 B1:B5)" instead of "SUMPRODUCT(A1:A5, B1:B5)".
- Mismatched ranges or incorrectly typed range references.

What are some common ways the SUMPRODUCT formula is used inappropriately?
- Using SUMPRODUCT for purposes other than summing product of arrays or conditional summing.
- Trying to apply the SUMPRODUCT formula on ranges with different sizes.
- Using SUMPRODUCT to sum the product of two single values instead of using simple multiplication.

What are some common pitfalls when using the SUMPRODUCT formula?
- Ignoring errors or inconsistencies in the data ranges used in the formula.
- Not checking for differences in array sizes which can result in errors or inaccurate calculations.
- Using the formula on non-numeric data which may lead to unintentional results or errors.

What are common mistakes when using the SUMPRODUCT Formula?
- Entering incorrect or mismatched ranges.
- Using the formula on non-numeric data, leading to unexpected results.
- Applying the formula on different sized ranges, resulting in errors.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the SUMPRODUCT Formula?
- People may think that the SUMPRODUCT formula can only be used for multiplying and summing values, but it can also be used for conditional summing.
- Some users may believe that the SUMPRODUCT formula can handle different sized ranges, when in fact, it requires equal sized ranges for accurate calculations.
- Another misconception is that SUMPRODUCT can only be used with two ranges, while it actually supports multiple ranges.

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How To Actually Use SUMPRODUCT() in Sheets

SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2, ...])

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