Formulas > =SUBTOTAL()

How To Use SUBTOTAL() Function in Google Sheets


Returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function.

Common questions about the SUBTOTAL formula:
• What is the SUBTOTAL formula?
• What parameters can I use in the formula?
• How do I apply the SUBTOTAL Formula to a range of cells?

How can the SUBTOTAL formula be used appropriately:
The SUBTOTAL formula can be used to quickly calculate a running sum, average, or count of visible cells in a range. It can also be used to perform calculations like finding the sum, count, average, maximum, or minimum of cells that are filtered or hidden before the calculation.

How can the SUBTOTAL formula be commonly mistyped:
The SUBTOTAL formula can be commonly mistyped by forgetting to include the function argument in the formula syntax. Another common mistake is forgetting to use relative cell references when applying the formula to a range of cells. Some common misspellings are SUBTTAL, SUBTOTL, SUBTOTLA, SBTOTAL, SUBTTAL.

What are some common ways the SUBTOTAL formula is used inappropriately:
The SUBTOTAL formula should not be used to automatically hide or filter a range of cells. Also, the formula should not be used without accounting for all the visible cells within the range because the calculation will be inaccurate. 

What are some common pitfalls when using the SUBTOTAL formula:
One of the biggest pitfalls when using the SUBTOTAL formula is forgetting to include the function argument and relative cell references in the formula syntax. Also, it is important to make sure to account for all the visible cells within the range.

What are common mistakes when using the SUBTOTAL Formula:
• Not including the function argument in the formula syntax
• Using absolute cell references instead of relative cell references
• Not accounting for all the visible cells in the range

What are common misconceptions people might have with the SUBTOTAL Formula:
Some common misconceptions people might have with the SUBTOTAL Formula are that it automatically hides or filters a range of cells, that it only works with numbers, and that it only works with a single range of cells.

How To Actually Use SUBTOTAL() in Sheets

SUBTOTAL(function_code, range1, [range2, ...])

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