How To Use FORECAST.LINEAR() Function in Google Sheets



Common questions about the FORECAST.LINEAR formula include:
- How does FORECAST.LINEAR work?
- What is the difference between FORECAST.LINEAR and other forecasting methods?
- What should you consider when using FORECAST.LINEAR?

The FORECAST.LINEAR formula can be used appropriately by specifying the existing data, as well as the x-value for which you'd like to predict an outcome. It is important to ensure that the existing data is in columnar format and that the x-value is listed in chronological order (i.e. earlier dates should be listed first).

The FORECAST.LINEAR formula can be commonly mistyped as FORECASTLINEAR, resulting in an error message. Other misspellings are FORCAST.LINEAR, FORECATS.LINEAR, FORECAST.LINAR, FORECAST.LINARE.

Some common ways the FORECAST.LINEAR formula is used inappropriately are:
- Using the formula without specifying the x-value
- Using the formula with non-chronological data
- Using the formula with incomplete data

Common pitfalls when using the FORECAST.LINEAR formula include:
- Using the formula without understanding its assumptions and limitations
- Using the formula without checking that the data is up-to-date
- Using the formula without validating the results

Common mistakes when using the FORECAST.LINEAR formula include:
- Not including all relevant data points
- Using data points that are too far in the past to be relevant
- Using data points that are too few in number

Common misconceptions people might have with the FORECAST.LINEAR Formula include:
- Thinking that the formula can accurately predict future values
- Believing that the formula can be used without understanding past trends and behaviors
- Believing that the formula can account for outside influences such as global trends and events.

How To Actually Use FORECAST.LINEAR() in Sheets

FORECAST.LINEAR(x, data_y, data_x)

Looking for a video tutorial? Members can email me anytime! Check out the blogs below for more info on this formula. Or generate your formula. Find more formulas here at

Learn more about the FORECAST.LINEAR() formula:

How to use the Forecast Linear Function in Google Sheets and add a Trendline in a Chart

This short video shows you how to add a trend line to a chart in Google Sheets and also how to forecast the date at which you would reach a daily spending goal based on actual historical data.

Generate a FORECAST.LINEAR() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


Looking for more help inside sheets get the free Add-on: Asa. Ask Sheets Anything. Go ahead, ask it any problem you migth have. Bring your own APIKEY and generate formulas inside of Google Sheets.