1 Simple Formula to Make Writing Tweets Easier or Make $1,000

About this Tutorial

Create a hook writing sheet with SUBSTITUTE(). Create an engine to write tweet upon tweet upon tweet. Bundle up 100 hooks/formats and sell it. Go ahead, make sweet tweets in a sweet sheet.

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Video Transcript

00:00 All right, in this video we are going to make a thousand dollars. No, not really. We're not really gonna make exactly a thousand dollars, but I just want to show you that the template that I created with this one simple formula has net me a thousand dollars.
00:13 This is a hundred Twitter templates. It is Twitter templates that I've found on online that do really well, like formats of tweets, and I've replaced the words in them with a code so that someone else can actually type in just a few words and generate 50 or a hundred tweets at a time, depending on how much, how many words you replace.
00:36 It only takes one simple formula that's at the heart of this. There's a lot of cool stuff that I've added to the sheet.
00:43 It's Twitter templates. You can find it@twittertemplates.com, Twitter templates.com brings you here to this sheet where I sell Twitter templates and also someone else's free sheet that uses a very similar format and 100 tweet starters that isn't replacing words, but it is for Twitter.
01:04 So there's a lot of cool stuff, and I have a button in there that directly sends a tweet to Twitter from a Google sheet in as a draft.
01:13 So that's really cool. All right. But first, let's talk about what the simple formula is and what it does. It's a substitute, and what we're gonna do is we're gonna be able to create tweet formats, our Twitter form Twitter formulas, Twitter formats, all kinds of stuff.
01:29 So if you want to say like, I work in the SaaS industry and I make Over a hundred thousand a year, here's how I did it.
01:45 So this is like a great hook. This is or not a great hook. This is a hook <laugh>, okay? You can probably write one better.
01:52 And this tutorial, this video is not about writing great hooks. It's about giving you this cool formula, which helps you write better hooks or more hooks, I guess, or you write the hooks and then you can sell this template for a thousand dollars, not a thousand dollars a month.
02:07 Let's kill that. Make a thousand dollars. All right? What I wanna do is if I create a hook, and I know, okay, a lot of other people can use this, what words in here do I wanna replace with their settings?
02:21 So the thing is, let's actually make this a little bit bigger. We're gonna do equal substitute text to search is gonna be b2, which is right up here.
02:31 We can point that anywhere we want. We're gonna search for SaaS industry, and we're gonna replace it with, well, what are we gonna replace it with?
02:42 Whatever is in a B, no, A two. There we go. Now I can replace this with let's say marketplaces, And it didn't do it because it has to be exactly the same spelling or the capitalization, right?
03:07 So what's interesting about this is that this reads like a real sentence. I work, actually, I should probably change that to a capital S.
03:16 If you're watching this <laugh>, you're probably like, ah I work in the blah, blah, blah, marketplaces, blah, blah, blah, industry.
03:24 And it doesn't even have the word industry in there. Let's say we want to sep do just SaaS. I work in the marketplaces industry or pipelines or country takeover industry.
03:39 And now this is interesting because we can just write, I work in the SAS industry, but maybe we want to like use a code here like something like this.
03:51 Like we wanna do brackets, two brackets on either side and put industry in all industry in all caps there. Now, what do we do in this substitute is do exactly that, do two opening brackets to closing brackets and all caps industry.
04:12 Now we can read that format much easier. Let's put this over here. So let's make this, mm, ticks wrapping. There we go.
04:25 So you can see that we can put the setting over here on the left. We can create a code for this industry.
04:34 And so our user can put in every anything they want to put in, in a two, and it, it replaces it in B two to get to c2, right?
04:45 Well, this is really cool because we can then use the power of Google sheets to use this A two. When someone enters one information, one simple word that can be used many, many times.
04:56 Now I'm rewriting this hook many times and getting many different for formats out of it. So what's really cool about this is that you can have multiple uses of this all from one cell with this one simple formula.
05:13 Now, if you're like, oh, I want to use more than one thing, right? Not just this one industry, this one word, you can actually wrap, substitute in another substitute.
05:23 So you can use the same exact formula again and again. And what's really cool too, is that you can move this input to another page.
05:34 So what we're gonna do is we're gonna do another page. We're gonna call it settings. I'm gonna move that here.
05:40 We're gonna do industry. We're gonna say, how many years have you worked? We'll say 10 years. What's your highest paid year?
05:53 We'll do so now, I have a few items here. I don't want any other cells, so I'm actually gonna use my own Google sheet, add-on here to make this a little bit easier.
06:10 Tiny sheets, delete rows and columns outside. I don't want anything else over back here. We are going to see nothing changed, right?
06:19 We have our industry, we have our settings, or rather the output here, but we want to do something else here.
06:29 Actually, we need to do One more thing. We need to give it its code, right? Industry years, Let's call it paid.
06:44 So now, every time we use these, how do we do that, right? Well, in our formula here, we're just gonna take this entire formula and put it inside of this B2 here.
06:56 Now, here, we change this to years, but we don't want settings B one, we want settings B two. Same thing.
07:03 We're going to copy over this B2 with the whole formula. So now we've put the formula inside itself three times.
07:10 We're gonna put right here in the paid and we're getting use settings, B3 done. So now if I, I work in the blank industry and I make over, we can change this to paid.
07:28 There we go. Now we are, now we are substituting more than one thing. That's pretty cool, right? We can even add, I've, I've worked in the blank industry for years in all caps years, and I make, actually, we don't even know if it's like months or years.
07:53 So let's say let's change this to time. Now we don't have time here. We're gonna right here, 10 years and instead of years, but time, time and now go back and it's not correct.
08:13 Did I spell that wrong? We need B two. Oh, here we go. Oh, this is years. We need to change this over here.
08:27 Done. So now we can use these words, right? Industry time, the highest paid year. Use these templated words anytime we want in our hooks.
08:41 So we can write a hundred hooks here for the same sort of idea, and then sell this sheet as a template, right in this.
08:49 Cool. Now, if you really wanna make this really easy for writing tweets, you can write in here, and I'll just tell you this, an intent url.
08:57 Twitter has an intent url. You do not need to use the API in order for someone to take a tweet in a sheet and tweet it.
09:04 And that's what the Twitter 100 Twitter templates and tweet starter templates that I sell. That's the coolest thing about it.
09:10 It has a button that you can take this text right here, click it, and it opens a draft inside of Google inside of Twitter from your Google sheet.
09:20 You can also make these really nice if instead of thinking about it as like a simple sheet, think of it as like an app and create many different tabs and many different types of tweets, like cooks or things.
09:34 You might want to style them differently, not like this black and white. So you might even want to, let's insert a row below and insert a row above.
09:45 And maybe we want like tweet this. That's okay, but what if we want that to be a really cool button?
09:51 I've created a Google sheet extension or add-on called button styles. We can show that here. And it takes a three by three set of cells and creates a really cool button out of it.
10:03 We actually want to do one more row there. And instead of just a button, a, a cell that says, tweet this and a link, what you could do is take your three by three.
10:16 We have some custom or some presets as well. Create a little cool button out of this. Tweet this. So now this could be here, right?
10:25 This could be a really cool button to say, Hey, tweet this text out. And this, you can do command K and you can write a Twitter, you Twitter intent, your URL right here.
10:37 You can make this neon blue if you want to match what is this match Twitter, that kind of thing, right?
10:45 That's pretty cool, right? I hope you enjoy it.