Formulas > =NOT()

How To Use NOT() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the opposite of a logical value - `NOT(TRUE)` returns `FALSE`; `NOT(FALSE)` returns `TRUE`.

Common questions about the NOT formula in Google Sheets include:

What does the NOT formula do?
What is the syntax of the NOT formula?
What values can the NOT formula accept as input?
How can I use the NOT formula with other functions or formulas?
Can the NOT formula be nested within other formulas?
The NOT formula in Google Sheets is used to reverse the logical value of a given expression. It returns TRUE if the expression is FALSE, and FALSE if the expression is TRUE. The appropriate use of the NOT formula depends on the specific task or condition you want to evaluate.

Here are some examples of how the NOT formula can be used appropriately:
Checking if a cell is empty: =NOT(ISBLANK(A1))
This formula returns TRUE if cell A1 is not empty, and FALSE otherwise.

Evaluating a condition: =NOT(A1>B1)
This formula returns TRUE if the value in cell A1 is not greater than the value in cell B1, and FALSE otherwise.

The NOT formula can commonly be mistyped in a couple of ways. The most common mistake is accidentally omitting the opening or closing parentheses. For example, =NOT(A1 or =NOTA1). Another mistake is misspelling the formula as "NOTE" instead of "NOT".

The NOT formula can be used inappropriately or produce unintended results if not used correctly. Some common ways it can be misused include:

Using it with non-logical values: The NOT formula is designed to work with logical values (TRUE or FALSE). Using it with other types of values might lead to unexpected results.

Nesting multiple NOT formulas: Nesting NOT formulas excessively can make the formula complex and difficult to understand. It's important to consider alternative approaches to simplify the logic if you find yourself nesting NOT formulas too deeply.

When using the NOT formula, some common pitfalls to be aware of include:
Understanding the logical operators: The NOT formula negates the logical value of an expression. It's essential to have a clear understanding of the logical operators being used in the expression to ensure accurate results.

Using parentheses correctly: When using the NOT formula in combination with other logical operators, it's important to use parentheses to control the order of operations and avoid unexpected results.

Common mistakes when using the NOT formula include:
Forgetting to use the equals sign (=) at the beginning of the formula.
Incorrectly referencing cell ranges or values in the formula, leading to incorrect evaluation.
Failing to enclose the expression within parentheses, resulting in syntax errors.

Common misconceptions people might have with the NOT formula include:
Assuming it can directly convert non-logical values to their opposites: The NOT formula only works with logical values and evaluates the logical opposite of the expression, rather than converting non-logical values to their opposites.
Believing that the NOT formula can be used to evaluate complex conditions: While the NOT formula is useful for reversing a single logical value, it is not designed to handle complex conditions. In such cases, combining the NOT formula with other logical operators or using other functions may be necessary.

Google Sheet Formula Frustrations Solved
Find every formula you'll ever need in Google Sheets here at Better Sheets. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide of 504 formulas.

Are you struggling to find a specific value in a column of data? Look no further than the powerful VLOOKUP formula. Or maybe you need to calculate the sum of values that meet specific criteria - try out SUMIF. And when it comes to frequency of values, COUNTIF has you covered.

Have you heard of the mysterious and powerful IF formula? It can turn your spreadsheets into gateways of productivity. And don't forget about the oft-partner ISBLANK(). 

Find step-by-step tutorials for any formula here on Better Sheets. Every formula page comes with links to written blog posts and Better Sheets tutorials featuring the exact formula.

Looking for a way to segment data based on specific criteria? The FILTER formula is perfect for you. 

If you need to replace VLOOKUP, give INDEX/MATCH a try.

At, I have everything you need to take your Google Sheets skills to the next level. 
From ARRAYFORMULA() to ZTEST(), Better Sheets has it all. 

How To Actually Use NOT() in Sheets


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Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


Looking for more help inside sheets get the free Add-on: Asa. Ask Sheets Anything. Go ahead, ask it any problem you migth have. Bring your own APIKEY and generate formulas inside of Google Sheets.