Zakir Asks: Find First Car in a Row

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Find the first value in a row.

Video Transcript

0:00 He's a care. So the question was, um, you have this function that you are looking to know when does a car start and how many cars start?
0:11 So, uh, I think we gotta do two things. One, we gotta flip your idea of this column. I don't think that's gonna get us the information because the, the relation is actually the car one along this road.
0:26 Where does it start? Car at car two. Where does it start? Car three, where does it start? And then once we have that information, we can add up these.
0:33 So this, this car starting, you don't need this. Um, and total start will, we'll get that in a second. So I did index match here, um, to figure out basically, which is the first, uh, non blank one See is blank.
0:53 False. So, um, we can use index and what we're doing is we're indexing this row. So when we find out what's the first non blank one here, um, we'll go pop up here.
1:07 So we did that all here. So now we have all these cars. We know when did they start? Then we can go here and say, okay, equals counts if, um, and we're gonna count this range actually be three.
1:24 Yeah. Um, and the tering is gonna be the name here. So we can have zero there. Now we wanna stick the B column.
1:35 Same. We wanna stick the two. Okay, So now we have the answer. Total start is 0, 1, 2, 0. Okay. So now if you change any of this, like if you add more periods, just uh, change the uh, this here and this here.
1:58 Um, if you add more down more cars than in here, you would have to change this formula. Hopefully that helps.