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Introducing Bigger Brain

About this Tutorial

10x your expertise driven content. Create new sections and fun additions to your own content. Make your writing more engaging and more educational.

Video Transcript

00:01 Hello, uh, so we're introducing BiggerBrain. This is a new tool I just created and launched. It is a way to 10x your content if you are an expert or you write about your own experience, expertise, anything like that.
00:13 You can make step-by-step tutorials or you just write about your own personal path. You could be a blogger, you could be an educator, anything like that where you are writing your expertise, right, or your experience.
00:26 This is not an AI writer that's going to just churn out interesting, sort of gobbledygook. It's going to take in an article that you wrote yourself and then it will add sections to it.
00:39 It will add quite a lot of interesting sections but I have 29 tools so far in the launch that you're able to use and I'm going to walk through all of those tools right now.
00:50 So the, again, concept is that this is taking your existing content and just adding really cool stuff to it to make get more engaging, more interesting, more.
01:00 more uhm more basically for readers. It's called Bigger Brain. It is a Google sheet. It can be used with Google Docs, by the way.
01:12 You can write an article in a Google Doc, put the Google Doc URL in here and then choose the tools you want to add and it will add it to the Google Doc.
01:22 It uses AI. You will need an API key to generate content. It does not generate content from scratch. It needs something.
01:33 So that's what differentiates this from AI writers I've found. I myself use this and I'm continuing to use this as I launch it.
01:41 So there will be updates. Different tools will be added. I have a few things that I really personally use. Like I have a page here of all my posts.
01:50 I use Ghost. I actually download all of my titles which I show you how to do that if you use Ghost.
01:58 Or you can just copy paste your titles here. Also, I have a YouTube channel with over 600 videos. I have a list here that I've imported.
02:04 And I show you how to import your own YouTube videos or even videos from a channel you want. And why I put them in Google Sheets and why this tool is in Google Sheets and not just like a web based web, uh AI writer, is that it uses those lists to generate ideas.
02:20 Like a little section that says, okay once you've read this article, go read these articles or go watch these videos.
02:27 Um, it also could generate ideas. It's sort of a brainstormer type of thing as well. Where if you put in an article, it can generate a list of ideas of articles you should write that will feature this article.
02:43 I know this sounds really crazy. But I'm going to walk through as many other tools as possible here for you to see what it's made of, what's possible.
02:52 You might find some very interesting things that you may want to try yourself. You may want to try to write your own prompts to AI.
02:58 I've written all of these prompts myself, and I'm continuing to do to engineer these prompts to make them better and more efficient and more effective for my own use.
03:06 So this is going to be updated. Again, you can get BiggerBrain right now. And if you're watching this on BetterSheets.co, it is free for lifetime members.
03:14 If you are watching this somewhere like on YouTube, I did a live typing up of the landing page. That has 10 coupon codes for 50% off.
03:25 It is $25 at launch. I'll probably be increasing that as I engineer the prompts more annually. So you create different tools.
03:33 You'll see. So the first tool, T-L-D-R, just creates a three bullet point summary of the article. It's very specific that it's very small.
03:42 This is not an actual summary of the article. It's just a three bullet point. It's very simple. This could be used at the beginning, obviously, of a article.
03:52 But I like to put this at the end as well and say here's a, here's the refresher of what you, uh, we learned today.
03:59 Who it's for, this is great information. If you're trying to figure out, if you create a step-by-step tutorial and you're like, who else could use this?
04:08 You as an expert or me as an expert, I find many times I get stuck. I know something so well, like Google Sheets, that I don't necessarily know who could actually use it on the other side.
04:20 And the big deal about this is that it's going to give you twenty roles and types of people like church leaders, or bloggers, or content creators, or influencers.
04:31 It's going to expand the idea of who could use it. Expert quote, this is going to suggest one quote from like a really well-known expert, really well-known quote, really existentially interesting kind of quote.
04:46 I've used this a number of times to just sort of have a nice introduction to the concept that I'm writing about.
04:54 Like if I'm writing about coding there, it comes up with some very interesting expert quotes about programming and why it's useful or how to to think about programming.
05:02 Key terms define, okay, this is actually one of the key tools that I use and why I created this whole thing called BiggerBrain is because when I write a tutorial, I know a lot of terms and a lot of jargon.
05:17 This is a jargon buster. It creates a dictionary, sometimes it's a few words, sometimes it's a lot of words, and what it will do is it will actually define each of those things.
05:28 I myself as an expert, I know I know this, I word and I understand this word, but readers of my content may not know what I mean.
05:36 And so this is great to add a little dictionary at the end or even at the beginning, like here's some terms you will need to know before you read this article.
05:44 This is really really good and it's one of the key things that I created and I use all the time.
05:50 Suggested reading, this will suggest you a selection of well-known books. I'll get into later of why, what you could suggest of your own stuff.
06:02 Suggested listening, this is very specific podcast episodes. This was really interesting to run this tool on a few of my articles because it expanded the idea of what else should people be consuming.
06:15 I did an early test of this with some people in a workshop that I was working on all about coding and we coded a really quick version of this.
06:24 And one of the requests was, hey take this article that I've created and create a keyword cloud of high SEO potential words.
06:30 This is what a lot of SEO AI writers will do. They will do for you, they will even extract a lot of words or create a lot of keyword matching and then you write more with those keywords.
06:41 This is one of those few things in here that actually is SEO for SEO. A lot of this stuff that I'm doing in BiggerBrain is not necessarily specifically for SEO, it is for making the readers more enjoyable, readers experience more engaging, the readers will get more and learn more from you.
07:01 From your expertise and your education kind of content. So this is one of the few ones that are SEO related.
07:08 Suggested communities. This is interesting because I run a community for Google Sheets and most of the time I will reference that.
07:20 I will say hey join our free group on Facebook, I love Google Sheets and great. But it seems like it's an ad for that group.
07:26 Like it seems like one and done, yeah just go here. But there are lots of reasons. Reddit communities, Facebook groups, Telegram groups, WhatsApp groups, um also paid networking, um places like even like Dynamite Circle.
07:41 That if someone is selling, like let's say I'm making a video or an article about selling digital products. Someone who joins I love Google Sheets, it it's okay for the reader.
07:56 But what they really want is like the peers, the people who are also selling digital products. And so this suggested communities really expands on that idea of like where else can you find someone interested in the same thing.
08:08 I thought that was cool. Use cases, okay this is going to sound really funny but a lot of times I create content where I'm like okay I've answered a question from one person but I really wonder like this solution, I wonder if it can be used in different ways.
08:22 And sure I can sit here and think about these or apply this solution multiple times but what AI is really good at is taking this little bit of text and getting it out to putting it in front of like thousands and hundreds of thousands of little ideas.
08:36 And it comes back with some very interesting use cases uh that I myself may have come up with but taken a long time.
08:44 And so I love doing this and then adding this at the beginning of an article and adding it into a nice little introduction or summary uh to say you know you could this is answering this person's question but it could also be used for this this and this.
08:57 Uh what not to do. So there's a few uses is a this this will literally tell you things you shouldn't do when you're trying to solve a problem or or have a problem.
09:09 Um I like to use this in an introduction to say hey you might have tried these other alternatives this is what you shouldn't do until we find the solution that I have.
09:19 And so this expands the article a little bit more but gives more context and also again I don't want to say that this tool is really for SEO but this part actually does really well because it could produce.
09:32 a few keywords and long-tail keywords that people are searching for but then find your solution and your tutorial and your expertise.
09:40 FAQ generator so I have created in the past fast facts F A S T F A Q S and that's a product that any video watchers on better sheets echo anyone who's on monthly if you watch videos there you can get fast facts it's not an extra tool that I sell this is it here.
10:02 included in here so what it's doing here is this is in just creating questions uh as an expert a lot of times I don't have the mind of a beginner and so once I write something I don't really know what are those like very beginner type of gaps and questions someone has AI is really good beginner it will
10:23 we think of it as an expert but it's actually a very very good beginner. So I will give it my own expert step-by-step tutorial and say what questions could be, beginners have with this and it generates some fantastic questions that are like oh only a person who doesn't know this topic would ask and I'm
10:38 like yes this is perfect so this FAQ generator is that but if you are interested, fast facts, what it does is it generates a questions you answer those questions and then it generates FAQ schema if you are writing online it's really helpful for Google that other product does it I may introduce include
10:57 that here but this one will just generate you a few questions actually like ten questions comment open pitfalls might sound like what not to do but these are really common mistakes that people will take while trying to do your tutorial or step by type tutorial or do the solution that you're trying to
11:14 write about. Umm and again AI here is very good beginner it's gonna go through each of those situations and come up with some crazy ways people could have some roadblocks or challenges along the way uh as an expert I think oh here just do it this way.
11:32 this. this way. and I don't think about all the alternatives along the way. this helps. five wise this is an interesting way to think about your content it asks why do I care and then it answers it and then the answer it says why do I care about that and then it answers that and then about that answer
11:50 it answers ask why do I care about that and it does it five times. uh this is a very common way to brainstorm like marketing materials where you're like okay I have the solution why do I it matter you get come away the solution then you say why does that matter why does that matter why does that and 
12:07 you do it five times ah that will do it for you so that's really cool even as another article or even brainstorming a little bit of marketing historical context suggest some just some actual facts to enrich your article pre post is fantastic this is really cool because it's actually brainstorming articles
12:23 that will feature the article you're writing so what you can do is write a really cool article then use pre post tool to say hey what else should I write that will feature this and have an internal link in already to your into your article uh I'm going to skip sensory enhancer I haven't used it that 
12:39 much so just more mind so this is where Google Sheets comes in key why this is not an add on this is using Google Sheets because it takes articles the tab here called posts and inserts it into AI and says hey here's the article I just wrote here's a hundred posts that I've written which one of these 
12:59 should someone read after and why it answers a couple of or at least tries to it doesn't necessarily do a hundred percent job but it gets you ninety percent of the way there and it's really really fun to edit it down to like hey this is actually something someone should read after this and here's why
13:14 um and I just edit it to be more human prerequisites again as an expert I don't necessarily know what people should have in mind or skills they have or pieces of materials they should have before they start like all of my go all of my tutorials are about Google And so one of the prerequisites is have
13:35 access to Google Sheets, um, this helps with that try it yourself, uh create some projects and just brainstorm some projects to say hey take this solution to do it yourself quote manipulator so this this takes uh actual real quotes and then manipulates them and edits them into quotes about your topic
13:55 . It should be pretty fun. Um, expert panel so there are two things you're actually expert panel and Socratic debate that are fairly really safe.
14:02 Similar but they have different mechanisms. Expert panel you pick ah just a few really well known experts and then it will generate a discussion about your topic between them.
14:13 Um I don't think it's actually useful right now in its current form but it will be soon as I develop this more.
14:22 So Kratik debate this one works because it is just taking the topic of your article creating an expert that knows about that and then a a skeptical beginner.
14:32 And it has a conversation between them. It's really fun to read the output of this and I've used this as an article in and of itself.
14:39 I've also used this as like a little um introduction, uh little not a summary but a way to introduce the topic.
14:48 Uh I'm not going to go over these tools yet. Um they just generate more ideas based on the article you're writing.
14:58 Category conceptualizer is something that someone else asked for. This is it takes. . . . uh your topic and just suggest some categories it may fit into.
15:06 It is a little different than um the keyword cloud which it's going to give more general categories. Again this was requested.
15:15 I don't use this personally myself. What I do use though is quick quiz. This is fantastic. It creates a little multiple choice quiz.
15:21 Just one question and a few answers. You can use this at the beginning of your article to say hey if you can answer this you probably don't need to read it or at the end and say hey this is what we covered.
15:31 Can you answer this question now? It helps so well with retention. To give someone a little puzzle, a little quiz, a little question at the end and say do you remember this part of it?
15:41 Umm really really fun. I use this a lot now and I'm starting to realize that I could probably use this as well over the course of many articles.
15:53 Say like um if I have the quiz one question from 10 articles that are all similar I can take those 10 questions create a quiz and then you .
16:03 . Say oh if you don't know the answer that's go read this article. So they become little segments in your articles but then they also become an article in themselves in and of themselves that can link to your articles.
16:14 Great for internal linking. Suggests videos to watch is exactly the same as post but it's just a list of videos from YouTube.
16:21 So you can put your own videos here. I put mine and I of course because I'm writing articles for my own YouTube videos and of my own content.
16:30 You can actually put interesting videos. See you. About your content. Umm about your topic here. You don't have to use your own YouTube channel if you don't have one.
16:39 Uh you can actually I actually show you when you buy uh bigger brain how to scrape titles from channels so you can go and grab you know 200 videos from each channel, 3 or 4 channels and have a bunch of videos to suggest people watch.
16:55 That's 29 tools. Oh my god. Uh yeah. Welcome to bigger brain. If you haven't bought it yet it's available at launch for 20 years.
17:03 $5. I do have some 50% off coupons over on the YouTube live that I made. Umm but also if you are a better sheets member and watching this on better sheets.co you have it for free.
17:14 Get a lifetime subscription to better sheets.co to get every product I make for free. You got it. Go to better sheets.co slash tools to get it for free.
17:22 Thanks. Get bigger brain. Bye.