Google Sheets Easter Eggs Beyond PRIDE

About this Tutorial

Going beyond PRIDE, to show you some undocumented google sheets hacks that you might call "Easter Eggs"

Video Transcript

0:01 You might know already about the pride easter egg. If you type in pride across the top five cells, it'll change colors.
0:09 P-R-I-D-E-R-I It'll change colors. You may know that. I'm gonna show you actually more easter eggs in Google Sheets that are actually much more useful before we get there.
0:20 To that though, uh you can type in pride in Spanish or in Portuguese and get the exact same thing. So, or gulo or gul-gul-ho will work.
0:29 Spanish and Portuguese. But let me show you actually useful Google Sheet and Google Drive uh easter eggs. So if you go to any URL bar.
0:40 And you just type in If you just type in, uh it will create a new spreadsheet in whatever Chrome domain uh or workspace you're in in Chrome.
0:52 If you have multiple workspaces signed in, uh what you can do is slash two will get you the second one.
0:59 And that way it will create it in the second one here. I have actually three. slash three I can use and it will create a new Google Sheet in the Google Drive that's the third account there.
1:11 So, slash two slash three, however many accounts you have signed in will work here. And that creates a brand new Google Sheet.
1:19 It is in your Google Drive. I've already really, really cool. Now three more. Once you have a Google Sheet and you want to copy it, even if you have someone else's Google Sheet URL and you want to copy that, of course you can go to file, make a copy, but you don't even have to access the file itself.
1:37 You can take the entire URL and add slash two slash copy at the end. What this will do is it'll bring up this dot, this, this uh thing that you can say make a copy and when you click make a copy it'll make a copy in your Google Drive.
1:50 Now, that's really cool, right, but you might not know that you have to get rid of all this edit stuff, so what I did is if you go to slash copy uh just knowing slash copy, you can take a entire Google Sheet URL, put it into the, here and add copy and it will copy to your Google, to your
2:11 uh clipboard the exact URL you need to make a copy. This is great for sharing a sheet that you know the people who are going to use your sheet are going to make a copy immediately.
2:23 It saves them from having to open the sheet, go to file, make a copy, make a copy. It saves that much time.
2:30 Great for bosses. Save, save your boss time. Or save uh people who are constantly making uh copies. You can even put this URL inside of your sheet.
2:41 You can do command K and say copy this sheet and put the link there. Apply. And now this link here will copy this sheet.
2:52 So that's really cool if you're trying to distribute a sheet and people are going to use it as a template or something.
2:57 Use this slash copy in really cool ways. And it's sort of slightly undocumented. So I think it is a really cool easter egg.
3:04 I think it's one of the coolest ones. Now another easter egg you may not know of is you can go to file and download Google Sheets as PDFs, SCSE files, but you can also do that through the URL itself.
3:16 So this is a little complicated because there are so many some uh there are some slight variations here. So what I did is I created another uh tool for you, totally free at slash csv.
3:31 Take the whole URL, put it here, and what it does is it adds this export uh query. Question mark format equals csv.
3:42 So that's a little bit more complicated, but you don't have to remember that. You just have to remember slash csv and put in any spreadsheet URL here and you're going to get it copied to your clipboard.
3:54 Now, if I create a new URL, if I paste this URL here, what happens is it actually does not open the sheet at all.
4:03 It automatically downloads as a csv. So again, you can go to your sheet, add a link that says download as csv and paste this link with export question mark format equals csv so that someone can download and from your sheet that you give them, download it immediately.
4:24 Again, they can go to file, download, csv, totally fine, but if you want to make a quick reference to this or you want to send this in an email, you're like, hey I want to attach a csv file, but I don't want to download it and I don't want to make the other person download it by going to file, download
4:39 as csv. You can make this super easy, it's sort of a little quick, quick hack, you could say, uh, for sharing Google Sheets as csv files, especially if you don't want to attach it as a csv in, in email, you just want to send a link.
4:52 So that's really cool. Now, the next one is a little bit more complicated but it is incredibly useful. You can go to file, download, csv, download as a pdf, and when you do this, you get a lot of options.
5:05 All of these options are available to do in a url. So let me show you that. I'm going to take this url again.
5:12 I'm going to go to slash pdf. Here, I have given you all of the options that you need. Paste the url here.
5:20 I want it in, actually, landscape. I do want to show the gridlines, or I don't want to show the gridlines, if you want to check that off.
5:26 I do want to show page numbers, repeat header, row headers, hmm, not this case. Uh, you can select your sheet size.
5:34 Let's get a big one, tabloid. I want the title. I want a fit in window. Sure. And I want to show the sheet names.
5:41 You can select all these, get the URL. It's going to add all of those parameters to that URL. So now, if I just go to that URL, it'll download a PDF exactly as I want it.
5:52 So that PDF will show up here. It has all of the things that I've asked for. It's in landscape mode.
5:57 It has a sheet name, tab name, all that stuff. This is really cool, this slash PDF. Ah, where is it?
6:06 Here it is. Slash PDF, slash PDF is really cool because many times we're creating maybe invoices or again templates that need to be printed out quickly.
6:19 Maybe there's an event. We organized or a seating chart and we need to download that as a PDF. Sometimes we don't want to download it as a PDF and attach it to an email.
6:28 We want to send it to someone, they download it immediately as a PDF. Our Google Drive folder doesn't get big with a bunch of PDF files.
6:36 We don't have our Gmail getting too ah outrageous. Ah. gigabytes of data in there. We can make it super easy to, for someone to download this.
6:47 And again, they don't have to go to file, download as a PDF and select all of those options. You can embed those options in the URL itself.
6:56 So I hope this is super useful for you and I hope this is really fun to find out these Google Drive Google Sheets easter eggs.
7:02 You can copy sheet, you can use pride, you can use orgulo or orgulo in Portuguese. Also, we can see here, it works.
7:13 And and with a number if you have a number of different Google Drives on your folder, on your chrome, slash copy, slash pdf to download a pdf, slash csv, and I shared with you these slash csv, slash copy, and slash pdf to make it super
7:35 easy for you to create these really cool url ah hacks. Thanks.