Currency Exchange Tricks In Google Sheets

About this Tutorial

Little tricks to make Currency Exchange in Google Sheets better for you, and easier to read for others. Great for beginners, as well as Advanced Users.

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Video Transcript

0:00 Hey, so this video is all about currency exchange. Currency exchange in Google Sheets can be a little bit tricky. It's definitely tripped me up in the past before, and I just want to make this video to go through a few tricks that I've developed that I think make currency exchange inside of Google Sheets
0:16 . And if you've never done currency exchange in Google Sheets, you're going to learn something new. If you have done it, then I'm going to teach you one interesting thing I think about fonts that I think is going to make your currency exchange much, much easier to read for users.
0:33 First off, how do you do currency exchange? In this scenario right here, we're doing USD to Euro. And what we're using is Google Finance.
0:42 We're not using anything tricky. I'll do it over here in F3, we're going to do equals Google Finance. And now the ticker, and this is where it sort of gets tricky.
0:54 You might think that you need to do some calculation within the formula, but you don't. The formula itself is going to output the rate, and then you just multiply it by the number you need.
1:04 So I'll show you this. So we're going to do USD to euros. The ticker in this case is literally USD, no spaces, EU, R.
1:15 And you will see right up here it says .95. It does have the euro already there, but I'll show you it doesn't.
1:21 Actually have it. So we're going to do Command and clear the formatting of everything I've done here. I think actually it's going to keep this formatting.
1:32 I'm going to change this to plain text. So this is what it outputs. What this means is that this is the rate at which one USD is equal to that many euros.
1:44 And so what we need to do with this Google Finance is we need to actually multiply it by how many USD we need.
1:51 So we're going to do Multiply. We need E3 here. Okay, so you do not need to. Now here's sort of the trick of Google Finance and using this currency exchange.
2:05 Is there everything other than the ticker? Is optional. Typically for Google Finance you're using it for stocks and you want to know a particular date.
2:14 You want to know certain attributes. There's a bunch of options. But for currency exchange we're using Google Finance right here just to get the number output that is the exchange rate.
2:24 And then we're going to need to multiply that by USD. If you want to do, let's say, ah, we want to take euros and convert it to USD, we'll do equals Google Finance and in quotes we'll do U-R-U-S-D.
2:45 And now we'll get some number here that's 1.05 and we'll still need to multiply this by the number of euros.
2:55 And what we're going to get is actually this is euros, this is the wrong current. So, sorry, current, it's not the wrong currency rate, it's the wrong currency type.
3:06 So we need to take, what is that, oh this is actually, it's not 400. This is going to be equal to Google Finance, USD, EUR, there we go, times, there we go, that's it, 379 and now we get back to 400.
3:30 This says euros, right? It has a currency type euro. So the next trick I have learned is that when we're doing currency exchanges, Google will not automatically put the correct currency in front of it.
3:45 So we have up here, formatting. As currency depending on your location, I think this will change if you're in Europe, this might be a euro.
3:51 So if you're doing currency exchange, you really have to make sure you have the correct currency type noted. So what we're going to do is go up to format and number and then down here we have at the bottom, custom currencies.
4:03 We're going to go here and in our case we need to search for euro. It is a long list, it will actually usually be, because I have it selected, it's at the top, but usually it'll be somewhere alphabetically, right?
4:16 E will be somewhere here. But it'll be at the top right now because I already have it selected. We're going to hit apply, and we get our currency.
4:26 Okay, so far I want to reiterate a few tricks and things that might trip you up. First off, you need to use Google Finance, no attributes, you don't need to use Google Finance. You also must, which I did not mention before, you must use the correct order of currency.
4:43 USD to EUR from left to right. If you're trying to convert euros to USD, you'll do EUR, USD as the ticker.
4:51 And then you always have to multiply by the actual number because you're only going to get the currency exchange rate and then you actually multiply that by however much money you have.
5:02 And you also don't need any attributes. So something that might trip you up is you'll need some attributes and you're like, what attributes?
5:07 So I need you do not need any you just need the number output and then multiply it. All right. And something that you may not know, oh, and sorry, before we move on, and also you must format the correct currency here or you might end up with like dollars when it's actually euros.
5:23 Or nothing, you might have no currency. Now, the last thing I want to mention is something that even advanced users might not know.
5:31 And I think it's just a little design trick and I think it could be very, very helpful. Over here on the right, you notice that these are all the same as on the left.
5:39 Except it's actually much easier to read the ones on the left and that's because I'm using a monospace font. Even advanced users might not know about this or even intermediate users might not know about this.
5:50 But when we're using a font like here, I'm using Carla or we can also use something like Arial. Which is the normal thing.
5:58 What's gonna happen is our ones and our skinny numbers will take up less space than other numbers and so you might get a muddled look in all of your work.
6:11 It's gonna be a lot of different currencies especially if you have a lot of crazy numbers and very long numbers especially if you're using like Indonesian rupia or Indian rupees and you have lots of numbers and you have lots of random numbers in there. Um, you're gonna have lots of random groupings 
8:07 and length of characters. We'll see you next week. And so what I would recommend is changing your font to a monospace font.
6:33 Over here on the left I'm using Roboto but I'm gonna show you where you can find more. Go up to more fonts and in show all fonts this selection there is a option for monospace so click that and now we have all these types of different monospace fonts you can choose from so we're not stuck with only 
6:52 one look and one feel we can get some pretty interesting looks and feels we can get some sort of more elegant stuff let's use let's see this jian mano see what that looks like yeah might be a nice little elegant font for you let's see what that looks like bold bold looks much better much easier to
7:11 read actually this is not that easy to read let's try something else more fonts go to monospace we have courier here might want to use courier jet brains mano a lot of mano because this is what it the word mano means mano space source code pro is pretty good so let's click that let's go to source
7:33 code pro let's unbold it looks great pretty easy to read and much easier to see the difference between lengths of lengths of numbers right these large numbers we get and i think that's going to be the most important trick here especially if you're an advanced user and watching this video check out
7:54 your monospace fonts it's just so it's easier for others to read like we might be okay if we're doing the calculations and we're staring at these google sheets all day and all night we know these numbers in and out but now you're gonna present it to someone or you give it to a boss or even if you give
8:09 it to colleagues and you're like hey we need to crunch some numbers here or hey just take a look at this much nicer to present a monospace font i do believe alright thanks so much for watching and i hope this was super helpful and these tricks that i've developed and also little things that might
8:26 trip you up get over those get over those roadblocks in this currency exchange in google sheets bye All right.