Formulas > =MAX()

How To Use MAX() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the maximum value in a numeric dataset.

Common questions about the MAX formula in Google Sheets:
  1. What does the MAX formula do? Gets the biggest value!
  2. How do I use the MAX formula in Google Sheets? to the max! 
  3. Can the MAX formula handle non-numeric values? Nope, It suffers greatly if you do.
  4. Can I use the MAX formula with multiple columns or ranges? Yes.
  5. How can I ignore empty cells or cells with errors when using the MAX formula? Wrap it with IFERROR()

Appropriate use of the MAX formula in Google Sheets:
  1. Finding the maximum value within a range of cells or a column.
  2. Comparing and determining the highest value among multiple columns or ranges.
  3. Using the MAX formula in combination with other functions, like IF or ARRAYFORMULA, to perform conditional calculations.
  4. Using the MAX formula to dynamically reference the highest value in a range.

Common mistyping of the MAX formula:
  1. Misspelling the function name as "MAAX" or "MX."
  2. Incorrectly capitalizing the function name as "max" or "Max."

Common inappropriate use of the MAX formula:
  1. Using the MAX formula on non-numeric values or attempting to compare text values, which will result in an error or unexpected outcome.
  2. Applying the MAX formula to ranges that include cells with errors or empty cells without accounting for them.

Common pitfalls when using the MAX formula:
  1. Neglecting to update formulas that reference the MAX formula when inserting or deleting rows or columns.
  2. Using the MAX formula within other formulas without properly anchoring the cell references.
  3. Not considering the impact of hidden rows or columns on the results of the MAX formula.

Common mistakes when using the MAX formula:
  1. Forgetting to enclose cell references or values within the MAX formula in parentheses.
  2. Misusing the MAX formula by trying to include non-contiguous ranges or incorrectly specifying the range in the formula.
  3. Assuming that the MAX formula automatically adjusts when data within the range changes.

Common misconceptions about the MAX formula:
  1. Believing that the MAX formula can directly compare multiple non-adjacent ranges without the use of additional functions or array formulas.
  2. Assuming that the MAX formula can handle complex conditions or criteria, like finding the maximum value based on specific criteria.

Google Sheet Formula Frustrations Solved
Find every formula you'll ever need in Google Sheets here at Better Sheets. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide of 504 formulas.

Are you struggling to find a specific value in a column of data? Look no further than the powerful VLOOKUP formula. Or maybe you need to calculate the sum of values that meet specific criteria - try out SUMIF. And when it comes to frequency of values, COUNTIF has you covered.

Have you heard of the mysterious and powerful IF formula? It can turn your spreadsheets into gateways of productivity. And don't forget about the oft-partner ISBLANK(). 

Find step-by-step tutorials for any formula here on Better Sheets. Every formula page comes with links to written blog posts and Better Sheets tutorials featuring the exact formula.

Looking for a way to segment data based on specific criteria? The FILTER formula is perfect for you. 

If you need to replace VLOOKUP, give INDEX/MATCH a try.

At, I have everything you need to take your Google Sheets skills to the next level. 
From ARRAYFORMULA() to ZTEST(), Better Sheets has it all. 

How To Actually Use MAX() in Sheets

MAX(value1, [value2, ...])

6Better Sheets Tutorials

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Learn more about the MAX() formula:

Min & Max, Small & Large

Discover basic statistical functions: min, max, small, and large. Select the HD quality option for the best full-screen viewing experience. Visit for more videos and tutorials!

Generate a MAX() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

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