Formulas > =IFERROR()

How To Use IFERROR() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the first argument if it is not an error value, otherwise returns the second argument if present, or a blank if the second argument is absent.

What are the common questions about the IFERROR formula?
  • What is the syntax of the IFERROR formula? IFERROR(value, [value_if_error])
  • How do I use the IFERROR formula in combination with other functions? you can wrap the IFERROR formula around other formulas in case there is an error.
  • Can the IFERROR formula be nested within other formulas? Yes or it can be wrapped around other formulas.
  • What happens if the "value_if_error" argument is left blank? The result will be blank.

How can the IFERROR formula be used appropriately?
The IFERROR formula can be used to handle errors that may occur in other formulas. It can be used to return a custom value or message when an error occurs, or simply to return a blank cell. This can make spreadsheets more user-friendly and prevent errors from impacting other calculations.

How can the IFERROR formula be commonly mistyped?
The most common mistake when typing the IFERROR formula is forgetting to close the parentheses. Another common mistake is using the wrong syntax, such as not including the correct arguments or not using quotes around text values.

IFERROR is commonly mispelled as ERROR,or IERROR, or ERROROR, or IFERROROR, or IFRROR, or IFERR, or IFERRR.

What are some common ways the IFERROR formula is used inappropriately?
One common way the IFERROR formula is used inappropriately is by using it to mask errors without addressing the underlying issue. For example, if a formula is returning an error due to a missing value, using IFERROR to hide the error may not solve the problem. Additionally, using IFERROR too broadly can mask important errors that need to be addressed. I would recommend using IFERROR once you've fixed the underlying error or have no intention to do so whatsoever.

What are some common pitfalls when using the IFERROR formula?
One common pitfall when using the IFERROR formula is not considering all possible errors that could occur. For example, if a formula could potentially return a #DIV/0! error, it is important to handle that specific error in addition to others that may occur. Additionally, relying too heavily on IFERROR to mask errors can make it difficult to diagnose and address issues with the spreadsheet.

What are common mistakes when using the IFERROR Formula?
Common mistakes when using the IFERROR formula include:

  • Using the wrong syntax, such as not including the correct arguments or not using quotes around text values
  • Not considering all possible errors that could occur
  • Relying too heavily on IFERROR to mask errors without addressing the underlying issue

What are common misconceptions people might have with the IFERROR Formula?
One common misconception is that IFERROR can fix errors that occur in other formulas. In reality, it simply handles the error and returns a custom value or message. Another misconception is that IFERROR should be used to mask all errors that occur in a spreadsheet. In fact, it is important to address errors that occur and use IFERROR judiciously to improve the user experience.

How To Actually Use IFERROR() in Sheets

IFERROR(value, [value_if_error])

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Learn more about the IFERROR() formula:


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