Formulas > =FIND()

How To Use FIND() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the position at which a string is first found within text.

Common questions about the FIND formula in Google Sheets:
  1. What does the FIND formula do?
  2. How does the FIND formula work?
  3. What are the arguments of the FIND formula?
  4. Can the FIND formula be used to search for multiple occurrences of a text?
  5. Does the FIND formula distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters?
  6. Can the FIND formula search for special characters or symbols?
  7. How can the FIND formula be combined with other functions in Google Sheets?

Appropriate use of the FIND formula in Google Sheets:
  1. Finding the position of a specific text within a larger text string.
  2. Extracting a portion of a text based on its position.
  3. Performing conditional formatting based on the presence or position of specific text.
  4. Searching for specific keywords or phrases within a text.

Common mistyping of the FIND formula:
  1. Misspelling the function name as "FIN" or "FINDS."
  2. Mixing up the order of the arguments, such as using the search text before the text to be searched.
  3. Omitting the quotation marks around the search text argument.

Common inappropriate use of the FIND formula:
  1. Using the FIND formula when the data is not in text format.
  2. Expecting the FIND formula to return multiple occurrences of a text (it only returns the position of the first occurrence).
  3. Using the FIND formula for complex text analysis tasks better suited for regular expressions or other advanced techniques.

Common pitfalls when using the FIND formula:
  1. Case sensitivity: The FIND formula is case-sensitive, meaning it distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  2. Positioning: The FIND formula returns the position of the first character of the found text within the larger text string.
  3. Error handling: If the search text is not found, the FIND formula returns an error value (#VALUE!).

Common mistakes when using the FIND formula:
  1. Forgetting to specify the cell references or text strings correctly in the formula.
  2. Failing to consider the case sensitivity of the FIND formula.
  3. Neglecting to handle the error values returned when the search text is not found.

Common misconceptions about the FIND formula:
  1. The FIND formula can directly extract or replace a specific text within a string (it only returns the position).
  2. The FIND formula can search for multiple occurrences of a text (it only finds the position of the first occurrence).
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How To Actually Use FIND() in Sheets

FIND(search_for, text_to_search, [starting_at])

4Better Sheets Tutorials

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We're going to like take some data, twist it and turn it into a different type of like look and feel. And then we're going to do the same thing in reverse.
Learn how to import DropCatch data with 100,000 domains into a Google Sheet. Find out how to get a filtered list of domains with sheet in them. And how to generate ideas of what to build based on these found domains.

Leveraging Expired Domain Names for Google Sheets Business: The speaker discusses using expired domain names to create and sell Google Sheets templates or tools. He demonstrates how to find domain names related to 'sheets' and suggests creative business ideas around them.

Importing and Analyzing Data in Google Sheets: The process of importing CSV data into Google Sheets and manipulating it to find specific information (like domains containing the word 'sheet') is showcased. This highlights the versatility of Google Sheets in handling and analyzing data.

Idea Generation and Business Opportunities in Google Sheets: The speaker, Andrew Kamphey, provides several examples of how to generate business ideas using Google Sheets. He suggests various niches like WordPress-related spreadsheets, balance sheets for accountants, and even educational tools like math workbooks, demonstrating the wide range of potential applications for Google Sheets in various domains.
Find out how to turn some data you can copy/paste from the web into a branded lead magnet for yourself.

Check out Josh's Tweet about the sheet.
and check out his Podia.
The video shows the importance of adding personal touches to a Google Sheet to connect better with users. It explains how to analyze the sheet's data to find trends and best practices for website content. Lastly, it discusses ways to share the sheet widely while still giving credit to its creator.

Learn more about the FIND() formula:

FIND a character or string from another string in Google Sheets and Excel

Quickly learn the FIND function in Excel and Google Sheets. What does it do? What does it return? I will show you examples of using this function. I’ll also show you some tips to keep in mind when using the function like using the default option for the 3rd parameter.

Generate a FIND() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


Looking for more help inside sheets get the free Add-on: Asa. Ask Sheets Anything. Go ahead, ask it any problem you migth have. Bring your own APIKEY and generate formulas inside of Google Sheets.