

144Google Sheet Tutorials

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An Exclusive Library of Google Sheet Tutorials!

Why Choose Our Google Sheet Tutorials?

🚀 Efficient:

Learn the best Google Sheets formulas and spreadsheet automation techniques to supercharge your workflow. Discover how to automate repetitive tasks effortlessly, saving you valuable time and effort.

🎯 Precise:

Master Google Sheets formulas to ensure your data is always accurate and up-to-date.

🔧 Automate Your Sheets

Delve into the world of Google Apps Script. Automate reporting. Automate your data. Automate your business

Create relational databases with index/match. Discover the secret to efficient data management with primary keys! Learn how to sort, filter, and create tables based on unique identifiers in this expert video. Say goodbye to complicated spreadsheets and hello to easy data management.
The video tutorial is about tagging and creating comma-separated lists of tags for a list of titles. The tutorial demonstrates how to use data validation to create a drop-down menu of tags for each title and how to keep track of the number of videos or items in each tag category. The tutorial also shows how to create a comma-separated list of tags for each title using the JOIN function.
generate random numbers using Google Sheets. Fun ways to figure out how to get random characters. Great to use for creating IDs or Coupon Codes. Nice easy intro to some simple apps script.
Go from nothing to a working PR agency. Capture sites, and Send email via script
Track your goals with a thermometer.
Count different types of blank cells. Cells with nothing in them.
We're going to create some magic here. Some if magic, sprinkle a little magic on your sheets, you can use these formulas in existing sheets.
Stick around after the 1st portion of the video for bonus content.
We're going to like take some data, twist it and turn it into a different type of like look and feel. And then we're going to do the same thing in reverse.
Hide data with these simple tricks. Just using the IF() formula.
Free tutorial for finding Minimum and Maximum data points.
This will allows you to analyze and organize your data.
Member Ben asks how to add 1 month to a date.
Building a clone of Wordle inside Google Sheets.
Create a better list of domains.
Build a list of domains you can buy right now. Easily check if the domain you want is still available.
Add one more feature to the 100 Twitter Templates tool.
I download it from MailChimp and then I try to figure out which companies are subscribed to me most. And I do, I have to figure out the domain and count the domain. And we're gonna do that all in Google Sheets.
If you find Vlookup a difficult formula to understand, this formula combination might be better. It's also much more flexible than Vlookup. Index/Match is the best. It's one of my favorite formula combinations.

Displaying items 101-120 of 144 in total