Recreate a Starbucks Order Status Sign

About this Tutorial

Create a status flow chart, like a kanban board but for displaying coffee orders.

Video Transcript

0:00 Hey, so I saw this uh Kanban board, I guess from a Starbucks. Let's try to recreate it in cooksheets. I'm gonna do slash three because I have a lot of accounts on my Let's do a Starbucks Let's call it Starbucks So, one thing we have to do is let's get the actual data in first.
0:24 So, we have name and status. That's all we need. We don't need anything else. Let's delete all those columns. Let's go with uh Faith and Virginia.
0:35 Virginia L. And Faith M. Let's get that. Let's do a status. Right click. Drop down menu. And we have three uhm we're going to do all caps, right?
0:49 Uh received. I think that's how you spell it. We have, oh it's EI, I always spell it wrong. EI. Received.
1:01 Uhm, in progress. Let's go in progress. One more. It's going to be ready. Okay, done. And we want that to be the entire column, B2 to B.
1:15 And let's put received. Let's make this a little bit bigger so we can see what's going on. Let's put a couple more, like Eric S is in progress.
1:29 And Elisa B is received, or ready, sorry, ready. Uhm, we can obviously do colors on here, we don't need to.
1:38 Let's go on to the next thing, next page. And we want to create, uh, each of these items, sorry, so each of these received, we don't need the, uh, drop down menu, received, in progress, and ready.
1:56 But we want to give a little bit of space here, because we want to. an icon here, I think. Let's do that.
2:04 Let's make it nice and pretty. Let's view, show, no grid lines. Let's add another here. And another here. And we're gonna just make these all the same size.
2:18 I'm going to resize these columns. Resize to 20. And actually let's resize this to 50. And actually make those 50 so it's a exact square there.
2:31 Resize. 50. So that's a square. We will center everything. There There you go. We want to put a little icon here.
2:41 Let's say received. A checkbox I guess. Uh in pro- actually they- not- this is a plane. Is there a paper plane?
2:54 Or just an actual plane. In progress is what? Uh I don't know what that is. Maybe put a coffee cup here.
3:06 And the ready is a co- an actual coffee. Actually it's a coffee cup. In progress what's? Let's say a gear.
3:13 Let's do the gear. It's going. So we want to increase the size It's definitely. 20. We want to make sure it looks nice.
3:24 Let's say quicksand bold. Yeah quicksand bold looks nice. And a little bit bigger. But let's do these columns all the same size.
3:38 And now we need equals filter. We want to filter the range of the names by B equals the name of the column.
3:49 And that's all we need. There. We can make sure that the A column is set to not move with a dollar sign, but that the B one is going to change and we just copy paste all the way there.
4:02 Now we want this line down the left that is equal to the number here. So what we can do is take a count of this and equals uhm we can do wrapped.
4:15 We can do sequence actually might be better. The number of rows is going to be count all and filter this.
4:25 So we're gonna get count and if it's an error though if an A is the error we're going to have nothing and then we're going to count we're going to have column one start I think this needs to be zero and the step we will have as a pipe see if that works ah the sequence needs to be a number or a letter
4:54 let's do I let's just do one here and we get zero one so this is just going to get us a sequence but we actually just want to do something pretty easy if is blank now if is blank ah b2 so if it is blank meaning right now it's false it is not blank but if it is blank we want to do nothing if it is false
5:30 let's put this pipe character here there we go and now we can put this all the way down copy this all the way here copy this and also cent let's center it let's cent make sure it's centered all the way through now we have these lines will go as many as we have, so let's say we have more Aliza bees that
5:58 are ready, ready, ready. let's have like eight, let's change our name a little bit, Aliza B, Aliza A, Aliza C, just so we can see the difference I think it's gonna be, ah let's go she too, and there you go all of them are ready we can make it a little green, right?
6:22 uhm, we can change this text, actually all the way at the top, let's change it to dark green, and same here, same here, same here, so now it's green, you can give it a bit of a background if you want, and now we can display this cool thing, right?
6:44 Pretty close, we can maybe even do something like this, where we put in the, yeah, there. Maybe it's a bit too big, we can always make it a little bit smaller.
7:00 There we go. I think we can actually make the background white here, if we want, right? This ready, received, in progress, and as these move, received, in progress, they'll automatically move over here.
7:18 Cool. We've just created a string. Starbucks order status in Google Sheets.