Go to Specific Cell When Spreadsheet is Opened

About this Tutorial

Create an automation that goes directly to a cell you pick every time you open the spreadsheet file.

Video Transcript

0:00 So when a spreadsheet is open, it'll start at the top of the spreadsheet and you'll open it, but sometimes, for some reason, you may want to open a sheet and go to a very specific cell when it is open and every time it is open.
0:12 So let's say we want to actually go on sheet 1 here to row 289 and column E. So we want to start here for some reason, right?
0:22 And that reason may be ah where we last did our work, where we want to start our work, whatever it is.
0:29 Go to extension. Open Apps Script. This is only going to take a little bit of Apps Script and we're going to do it very quickly as well once this opens.
0:37 We're going to write function onOpen and then you're going to write spreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet and you're going to get range here. You will type in the number of the row you want.
0:47 So our number was 289, 289. And you will type in the number of the column. So E is the fifth column or column five, so that's comma five.
1:01 And we're going to use function onOpen. This is a simple trigger it's called and it is already built in. We literally just have to type in function onOpen and then put into our script the script.
1:14 What happens? We are just activating this. We're doing spreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet, whatever sheet we're on. We're getting the range and we're activating it.
1:22 Save. We're just going to save it. Make sure this orange button goes away. Close it and now when we refresh, let's just go to the very top.
1:32 We refresh. It's going to take a moment but it will go to that uh range that we activated. There it is right there at the bottom.
1:38 Start. So it active, it automatically went to exactly where we uh want it to go.