Topics > Google Forms

12 Tutorials

Use Google Forms with Google Sheets. Learn how to automatically create a Google Form from apps script. And find out how to embed better forms than Google Forms. And learn how to use Google Forms information inside of your sheet effectively.


The reason is because a new form has a setting to only allow those in your domain to fill in the form. I show you in the settings page where to fix this.
Message a certain department when google form is submitted.
Adding to the Form Automations:
Allow User to Reopen form without Apps Script access
Set Limit in a Sheet, not in Apps Script
Set Limits for different Forms
Create automatic triggers that close a form after a certain number of responses.
Automate copying a template for new form submissions with user data inserted into the new sheet.
Find out how to email all the form entries each time your form is filled out.
Create rounded pill form fields in Google Sheets.
Using Canva and a bit of a transparent PNG hack, you can make these very easily too!

also make sure to check out Coupon Code Maker a software product I sell that generates thousands of coupon codes in a click.

Recently updated dashboard makes it really cool! 
Submit email from a Google Sites to Google Sheets with this easy to embed html form instead of using Google Forms.
Use arrayformula to deal with Google form entries on a sheet. Even as they keep getting added.
How to create a form programmatically using Google Apps Script. I show you step-by-step how to create a form, set the title, add text items, and set the destination of the form to a specific sheet. This tutorial is perfect for anyone who wants to automate the process of creating forms, whether it's for templates, lead magnets, or recurring forms. No prior coding experience is required.
I show you how I use a Google Form and a Google Sheet to power the testimonials page on BetterSheets. I walk you through the process of collecting testimonials, approving them, and displaying them on the website. I also explain how I implemented the functionality using Apps Script. If you're interested in learning about spreadsheet automation and how to leverage Google Forms and Sheets for your own projects, this video is for you!

And Spreadsheet Automation 101 is a great way to learn most of what I go over in this video.
Embed a little HTML into your site to capture Emails straight to a Google Sheet. I've written the apps script and the html and the javascript for you. As easy as copy and pasting. Use my referral link if you choose to use Carrd for this: