Formulas > =NA()

How To Use NA() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the "value not available" error, `#N/A`.

Common questions about the NA formula in Google Sheets:

  1. What is the purpose of the NA formula?
  2. How do I use the NA formula in a cell?
  3. What does the NA formula return?
  4. Can the NA formula be used in calculations or formulas?
  5. How can the NA formula be helpful in data analysis?
  6. Can the NA formula be used with other functions or formulas?
  7. Are there any specific scenarios where the NA formula is commonly used?
  8. Can the NA formula be customized or modified?
  9. How can I handle the NA error in my formulas or data?
  10. Are there any alternatives to the NA formula for handling errors in Google Sheets?

Appropriate usage of the NA formula:

  1. Placeholder value: Use the NA formula as a placeholder in cells where the actual value is not available or an error needs to be indicated.
  2. Error handling: Incorporate the NA formula within formulas or conditional statements to handle potential errors or missing values.
  3. Testing formulas: Test the behavior of formulas or functions by intentionally causing errors and using the NA formula to observe the results.
  4. Data validation: Use the NA formula as part of data validation rules or conditional formatting to identify missing or invalid data.
  5. Custom error messages: Combine the NA formula with other functions to generate custom error messages or alerts.

Common mistyping of the NA formula:

  1. Misspelling the word "NA" as "NaN" or "N/A."
  2. Incorrectly capitalizing the letters in the NA formula.
  3. Including unnecessary spaces or characters within the NA formula.
  4. Omitting the equal sign (=) at the beginning of the formula.

Inappropriate usage of the NA formula:

  1. Using the NA formula as a replacement for actual data without proper context or justification.
  2. Misunderstanding the purpose of the NA formula and using it in scenarios where other formulas or functions would be more appropriate.
  3. Ignoring or not handling the NA error properly in calculations or data analysis.
  4. Using the NA formula as a means to suppress or hide errors without addressing the underlying issues causing the errors.

Common pitfalls when using the NA formula:

  1. Unintended propagation: The NA error can propagate through formulas, affecting multiple cells or calculations. Ensure that error handling is appropriately implemented to prevent unwanted results.
  2. Inconsistent data types: Mismatched data types can lead to unexpected results or errors when using the NA formula. Pay attention to the data types involved in calculations or comparisons.
  3. Confusion with other error values: Differentiating between the NA error and other error values like #VALUE!, #REF!, or #DIV/0! is important for accurate error handling.

Common mistakes when using the NA formula:

  1. Incorrectly assuming the NA formula will return a specific value or behave like other error values.
  2. Not properly handling or accounting for the NA error in formulas or data analysis, which can lead to inaccurate results.
  3. Using the NA formula without understanding its purpose or how it interacts with other functions or formulas.

Common misconceptions about the NA formula:

  1. Interpreting the NA formula as an actual value or a zero (0). The NA formula represents the absence of a value or an error, rather than a specific numeric value.
  2. Assuming that the NA formula can be manipulated or converted into other values directly. It is primarily used as an indicator for missing or erroneous data, rather than a data transformation tool.

Google Sheet Formula Frustrations Solved
Find every formula you'll ever need in Google Sheets here at Better Sheets. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide of 504 formulas.

Are you struggling to find a specific value in a column of data? Look no further than the powerful VLOOKUP formula. Or maybe you need to calculate the sum of values that meet specific criteria - try out SUMIF. And when it comes to frequency of values, COUNTIF has you covered.

Have you heard of the mysterious and powerful IF formula? It can turn your spreadsheets into gateways of productivity. And don't forget about the oft-partner ISBLANK(). 

Find step-by-step tutorials for any formula here on Better Sheets. Every formula page comes with links to written blog posts and Better Sheets tutorials featuring the exact formula.

Looking for a way to segment data based on specific criteria? The FILTER formula is perfect for you. 

If you need to replace VLOOKUP, give INDEX/MATCH a try.

At, I have everything you need to take your Google Sheets skills to the next level. 
From ARRAYFORMULA() to ZTEST(), Better Sheets has it all. 

How To Actually Use NA() in Sheets


Looking for a video tutorial? Members can email me anytime! Check out the blogs below for more info on this formula. Or generate your formula. Find more formulas here at

Learn more about the NA() formula:

20 information formulas in excel 2016

This video is about how to create 20 Information Functions with Examples in MS Excel Spreadsheet 2016.

Generate a NA() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


Looking for more help inside sheets get the free Add-on: Asa. Ask Sheets Anything. Go ahead, ask it any problem you migth have. Bring your own APIKEY and generate formulas inside of Google Sheets.