Common questions about the ISEVEN formula:
1. What does the ISEVEN formula do? Checks to see if the value in a cell is an even and returns true or false.
2. What does the ISEVEN formula return? ISEVEN returns either true or false.
3. How do I use the ISEVEN formula? You can use ISEVEN inside a Google Sheet cell.
How can the ISEVEN formula be used appropriately?
The ISEVEN formula can be used to check if a number is even or not by providing the value, or a reference to a cell with the value you want to check.
How can the ISEVEN formula be commonly mistyped?
The ISEVEN formula can be commonly mistyped as ISITEVEN, or ISEVN, or EVEN, or ISSEC, IEVEE, ISELEN, etc.
What are some common ways the ISEVEN formula is used inappropriately?
Some common ways the ISEVEN formula is used inappropriately are trying to use the formula to calculate a number or trying to input a text string in the formula, instead of a number. Or to check the veracity of the value. ISEVEN only checks for evenness or oddness, like it's counterpart: ISODD(). It just checks for even or odd, or not.
What are some common pitfalls when using the ISEVEN formula?
Some common pitfalls when using the ISEVEN formula would be forgetting to input a value, typing in an incorrect syntax, or formatting the cell containing the formula, so the formula won't work properly. Making the true or false too small to read is problematic.
What are common mistakes when using the ISEVEN Formula?
Common mistakes when using the ISEVEN formula include not properly entering the formula in the first place, mistyping the formula, and incorrectly not using parenthesis. You can also make a mistake thinking it will give the proper veracity of a value. It's not checking if the value is correct or not.
What are common misconceptions people might have with the ISEVEN Formula?
Some common misconceptions people might have with the ISEVEN Formula are that it's used for addition, it's calculating a total, or that it can be used to evaluate non-numeric values.
Google Sheet Formula Frustrations Solved