Formulas > =ISERROR()

How To Use ISERROR() Function in Google Sheets


Checks whether a value is an error.

Common questions about the ISERROR formula in Google Sheets:
  1. What is the purpose of the ISERROR formula?
  2. How does the ISERROR formula work?
  3. What is the syntax of the ISERROR formula?
  4. What types of errors can the ISERROR formula detect?
  5. Can the ISERROR formula be used with different data types?
  6. Are there any limitations or constraints when using the ISERROR formula?

Appropriate use of the ISERROR formula:
  1. Checking if a cell contains an error value: The ISERROR formula can be used to determine if a cell contains any type of error, such as #DIV/0!, #VALUE!, #REF!, #NAME?, #NUM!, #N/A, or #ERROR!
  2. Conditional formatting: The ISERROR formula can be applied to conditional formatting rules to highlight or format cells that contain errors.
  3. Error handling: The ISERROR formula can be used within other formulas or functions to handle errors and return alternative results or error messages.

Common mistyping of the ISERROR formula:
  1. Misspelling the formula name as "ISEROR" or "ISREROR."
  2. Incorrect capitalization, such as "iserror" or "IsError."
  3. Incorrect placement of parentheses or using the wrong syntax.

Inappropriate use of the ISERROR formula:
  1. Using the ISERROR formula without considering specific error types: It's important to specify the type of error you want to check for using other error-specific functions like ISNA().
  2. Using the ISERROR formula to ignore all errors: Blindly using the ISERROR formula to suppress all errors without proper error handling can lead to incorrect or misleading results.

Common pitfalls when using the ISERROR formula:
  1. Neglecting to handle the error case: Merely identifying the presence of an error without taking appropriate action or providing an alternative solution may result in incorrect data analysis or faulty calculations.
  2. Incorrectly assuming all errors have the same significance: Different errors may require different handling approaches, so it's important to understand the specific error and its impact on the calculation or analysis.

Common mistakes when using the ISERROR formula:
  1. Forgetting to wrap the ISERROR formula around the cell reference: The ISERROR formula should be used as ISERROR(cell_reference) to check if the referenced cell contains an error.
  2. Misinterpreting the output of the ISERROR formula: The ISERROR formula returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the referenced cell contains an error. It does not return the type of error.

Common misconceptions about the ISERROR formula:
ISERROR can fix errors: The ISERROR formula is used to detect errors, not fix them. It helps identify the presence of errors so that appropriate actions can be taken.
  1. ISERROR catches all types of errors: While the ISERROR formula can detect many common types of errors, it may not capture all possible errors. Using error-specific functions can help identify and handle different error types more accurately.

Google Sheet Formula Frustrations Solved
Find every formula you'll ever need in Google Sheets here at Better Sheets. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide of 504 formulas.

Are you struggling to find a specific value in a column of data? Look no further than the powerful VLOOKUP formula. Or maybe you need to calculate the sum of values that meet specific criteria - try out SUMIF. And when it comes to frequency of values, COUNTIF has you covered.

Have you heard of the mysterious and powerful IF formula? It can turn your spreadsheets into gateways of productivity. And don't forget about the oft-partner ISBLANK(). 

Find step-by-step tutorials for any formula here on Better Sheets. Every formula page comes with links to written blog posts and Better Sheets tutorials featuring the exact formula.

Looking for a way to segment data based on specific criteria? The FILTER formula is perfect for you. 

If you need to replace VLOOKUP, give INDEX/MATCH a try.

At, I have everything you need to take your Google Sheets skills to the next level. 
From ARRAYFORMULA() to ZTEST(), Better Sheets has it all. 

How To Actually Use ISERROR() in Sheets


Looking for a video tutorial? Members can email me anytime! Check out the blogs below for more info on this formula. Or generate your formula. Find more formulas here at

Learn more about the ISERROR() formula:

Google Sheets: Match() formula extended with join, filter, and iserror formulas

Google Sheets: match() Extended with join, filter, and iserror formulas to create a comma-separated list of results Scenario: Your sent an email to the recipients in Column A. Now you need to send the same email to the list in Column C BUT you want to be sure no one on that list already received the email (i.e., be sure no one is in Column C and Column A) Use Match, join, filter, and iserror formulas to create a comma-separate list of the new email addresses you need to send the next email to.

Generate a ISERROR() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


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