Formulas > =IMPORTHTML()

How To Use IMPORTHTML() Function in Google Sheets


Imports data from a table or list within an HTML page.

The IMPORTHTML formula in Google Sheets is commonly used to import data from HTML tables or lists on web pages into a spreadsheet. Let's address each question one by one:

  1. What are the common questions about the IMPORTHTML formula?
  • How do I use the IMPORTHTML formula in Google Sheets?
  • What are the parameters of the IMPORTHTML formula?
  • Can I import data from multiple tables or lists using IMPORTHTML?
  • How often does the IMPORTHTML formula update the imported data?
  • Are there any limitations or restrictions to using the IMPORTHTML formula?

  1. How can the IMPORTHTML formula be used appropriately?
    The IMPORTHTML formula can be used appropriately by following these steps:
  • Start a new Google Sheets document or open an existing one.
  • Select the cell where you want the imported data to appear.
  • Enter the formula in the format =IMPORTHTML(url, query, index):
    • "url" represents the web page URL containing the HTML table or list.
    • "query" is an optional parameter that specifies which elements to import (e.g., "table", "list", etc.).
    • "index" is an optional parameter that determines which table or list to import if there are multiple ones.
  • Press Enter, and the imported data should appear in the selected cell.

  1. How can the IMPORTHTML formula be commonly mistyped?
    The IMPORTHTML formula can be mistyped in several ways, such as:
  • Misspelling the function name as "IMPORTHTML" (incorrect) instead of "IMPORTHTML" (correct).
  • Forgetting to include the equals sign (=) at the beginning of the formula.
  • Missing a closing parenthesis or comma within the formula.

  1. What are some common ways the IMPORTHTML formula is used inappropriately?
    The IMPORTHTML formula can be misused in the following ways:
  • Importing data from web pages that require authentication or have restricted access.
  • Importing data from web pages with dynamically changing content that may affect the structure of the table or list.
  • Attempting to import data from web pages that are not properly formatted with HTML tables or lists.
  • Trying to import large amounts of data that may cause performance issues or exceed the formula's limitations.

  1. What are some common pitfalls when using the IMPORTHTML formula?
    Some common pitfalls when using the IMPORTHTML formula include:
  • Fragile imports: If the structure of the HTML table or list changes, the imported data may become inaccurate or break altogether.
  • Limited control over formatting: The imported data may not retain the original formatting from the web page.
  • Inconsistent updates: The IMPORTHTML formula may not automatically update the imported data as frequently as desired.

  1. What are common mistakes when using the IMPORTHTML formula?
    Common mistakes when using the IMPORTHTML formula include:
  • Providing an invalid URL that doesn't exist or is misspelled.
  • Using incorrect parameters or not providing the required parameters.
  • Selecting a cell range instead of a single cell for the formula result, which may cause errors or unexpected output.
  • Attempting to import data from web pages that use complex table structures or nested HTML elements.

  1. What are common misconceptions people might have with the IMPORTHTML formula?
    Common misconceptions about the IMPORTHTML formula include:
  • Expecting the formula to work with any web page, regardless of its structure or compatibility with importing.
  • Assuming that the imported data will update in real-time or without any manual intervention.
  • Believing that the formula can import data from web pages that require authentication or have restricted access.

It's important to note that the functionality and limitations of the IMPORTHTML formula may evolve over time, so it's advisable to consult the official Google Sheets documentation for the most up-to-date information. Which is linked to here on Better Sheets.

Google Sheet Formula Frustrations Solved
Find every formula you'll ever need in Google Sheets here at Better Sheets. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide of 504 formulas.

Are you struggling to find a specific value in a column of data? Look no further than the powerful VLOOKUP formula. Or maybe you need to calculate the sum of values that meet specific criteria - try out SUMIF. And when it comes to frequency of values, COUNTIF has you covered.

Have you heard of the mysterious and powerful IF formula? It can turn your spreadsheets into gateways of productivity. And don't forget about the oft-partner ISBLANK(). 

Find step-by-step tutorials for any formula here on Better Sheets. Every formula page comes with links to written blog posts and Better Sheets tutorials featuring the exact formula.

Looking for a way to segment data based on specific criteria? The FILTER formula is perfect for you. 

If you need to replace VLOOKUP, give INDEX/MATCH a try.

At, I have everything you need to take your Google Sheets skills to the next level. 
From ARRAYFORMULA() to ZTEST(), Better Sheets has it all. 

How To Actually Use IMPORTHTML() in Sheets

IMPORTHTML(url, query, index)

Looking for a video tutorial? Members can email me anytime! Check out the blogs below for more info on this formula. Or generate your formula. Find more formulas here at

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