Formulas > =EOMONTH()

How To Use EOMONTH() Function in Google Sheets


Returns a date representing the last day of a month which falls a specified number of months before or after another date.

Common questions about the EOMONTH formula:
  1. What does the EOMONTH formula do?
  2. How do I use the EOMONTH formula in Google Sheets?
  3. What are the required arguments for the EOMONTH formula?
  4. Can the EOMONTH formula handle dates in different formats?
  5. How does the EOMONTH formula handle leap years?
  6. Can the EOMONTH formula work with dates in different time zones?
  7. Can the EOMONTH formula be used to calculate future or past dates?
  8. Are there any limitations or restrictions when using the EOMONTH formula?
  9. How can I incorporate the EOMONTH formula into more complex calculations or formulas?

Appropriate usage of the EOMONTH formula:

  1. Calculating the last day of a given month.
  2. Determining due dates or deadlines based on a starting date.
  3. Calculating the number of days between two specific dates.
  4. Analyzing trends or patterns based on monthly data.
  5. Automating recurring monthly tasks or reports.

Common mistypings of the EOMONTH formula:

  1. Misspelling the formula name as "ENOMONTH" or "EOMONETH."
  2. Accidentally omitting the equal sign "=" at the beginning of the formula.
  3. Incorrectly specifying the arguments' order or using incorrect syntax.

Common inappropriate uses of the EOMONTH formula:

  1. Using the formula with non-date values or text strings.
  2. Attempting to calculate dates beyond the supported date range.
  3. Using the formula without understanding its purpose or limitations.
  4. Using the formula in situations where more complex date calculations are required, such as accounting for holidays or working days.

Common pitfalls when using the EOMONTH formula:

  1. Forgetting to update the cell references when copying the formula to other cells.
  2. Not accounting for potential changes in the starting date or period.
  3. Neglecting to format the cell as a date to display the result correctly.
  4. Failing to handle errors or unexpected inputs in the formula.

Common mistakes when using the EOMONTH formula:

  1. Incorrectly specifying the month argument as a text string instead of a number.
  2. Providing the wrong format for the start_date argument (e.g., using a string instead of a valid date format).
  3. Confusing the start_date and months arguments, resulting in unexpected results.
  4. Using inconsistent date formats within the same formula or worksheet.

Common misconceptions about the EOMONTH formula:

  1. Assuming that the EOMONTH formula accounts for holidays or working days.
  2. Expecting the formula to calculate beyond the supported date range or into the future indefinitely.
  3. Believing that the formula automatically updates when new data is added or modified.
  4. Thinking that the EOMONTH formula can be used as a substitute for more complex date calculations or scenarios that require custom logic.

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How To Actually Use EOMONTH() in Sheets

EOMONTH(start_date, months)

2Better Sheets Tutorials

Create a year progress bar to see how much of the year is gone. Great motivational chart to watch count up to 100%.
We want to know, based on today's date, what is the start of the month and what's the date at the end of the month.

Learn more about the EOMONTH() formula:

Generate a EOMONTH() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


Looking for more help inside sheets get the free Add-on: Asa. Ask Sheets Anything. Go ahead, ask it any problem you migth have. Bring your own APIKEY and generate formulas inside of Google Sheets.