Formulas > =DATEDIF()

How To Use DATEDIF() Function in Google Sheets


Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates.

Common questions about the DATEDIF formula:
What is the DATEDIF formula?
What are the valid arguments for the DATEDIF formula?
How many characters can the formula accept?

How can the DATEDIF formula be used appropriately:
The DATEDIF formula can be used to calculate the amount of time between two dates with valid arguments. For example, the formula can calculate the number of days, months, or years between two dates by specifying the argument ""YM"" (years and months) or ""YD"" (years and days) in the formula.

How can the DATEDIF formula be commonly mistyped:
The most common mistake when using the DATEDIF formula is mixing up the date and unit arguments. The date arguments should always come first in the formula, followed by the unit argument.

What are some common ways the DATEDIF formula is used inappropriately:
The DATEDIF formula should not be used to calculate the exact age of a person or calculate the number of days in a month or year. The formula is limited in its ability to calculate exact values, so it is best used for calculations related to time periods rather than precise dates.

What are some common pitfalls when using the DATEDIF formula:
One common pitfall when using the DATEDIF formula is forgetting to specify a time period for the argument. Failure to do so will result in an inaccurate calculation. Additionally, using incorrect date formats in the formula can lead to inaccurate results.

What are common mistakes when using the DATEDIF Formula?
Mistakes when using the DATEDIF Formula can include not specifying a time period for the argument, entering incorrect date formats, or forgetting the “D” character for the days argument.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the DATEDIF Formula?
A common misconception people have with the DATEDIF Formula is that it can be used to calculate the age of a person or the number of days in a month or year. As stated before, the formula is limited in its ability to calculate exact values so it should only be used for calculations related to time periods.

How To Actually Use DATEDIF() in Sheets

DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)

3Better Sheets Tutorials

Figure out how many days between two days, or how many days until a certain date. Or figure out how many days has it been since an event. Great for automatic email notifications of due dates, deadlines, etc.
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Learn more about the DATEDIF() formula:

Google Sheets - Calculate Age in Days, Months, or Years

Learn how to use the DATEDIF function to calculate age if you have a start and end date. The output can be days, months, years, or a combination.

Generate a DATEDIF() formula for your needs with AI

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