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Build a Startup Pitch Generator in 20 minutes

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Build a fully functioning AI powered startup pitch generator in 20 minutes. I saw a tweet listing startup accelerators and thought it would be cool to build a tool that edits my own startup idea into a personalized pitch to each startup accelerator fund. Get it for your google drive down below

Get the AI script here: https://bettersheets.co/snippets/updated-open-ai-model-to-omni

Video Transcript

00:00 So I saw this tweet and it said all the startup accelerators you can apply for, and I noticed that of course there's Y Combinator on here, there's 500 startups, there's some startup accelerators that I know of, Techstars here, OpenAI Converge, like these are ones you may know or you may not know, and
00:19 there's a lot on here that you may not know, like A16Z Speedrun, which is actually games. So, what I was thinking is if you were looking at this list and you're like, you know what, like I want to try to apply to most if not all of these, and I wonder if even just like a simple list AI ah could tell 
00:43 me if I should apply to them or not, or even help me change my pitch, very personalized to the startup accelerator.
00:53 Maybe there is some ah insight to gain from looking at, and this is something that I would do myself, I would go ahead to something like the YC startup ah directory, look at what they have, have um actually funded, and see like, not necessarily does my idea fit in here, but how can I edit my pitch so
01:17 that it is more clear ah to them. this particular style, let's say. I'm not trying to generate ideas, and actually that might be even a good idea, like take these 233 companies and generate 100 ideas of uh companies, that might be good, and maybe I'll do that later.
01:34 But I wanted to like take a pitch that I'm writing and let AI edit it or morph it into something that's something that is more YC or more pair X.
01:44 And because these companies, or not these companies, but these accelerators will tell you why they invest, how they invest, they will tell you what they invest in, and we can sort of take this information, put it into a nice, well engineered prompt and say, hey, with my pitch, pitch in, in here, let's
02:03 get it, let's get the pitch that I should pitch to this accelerator. So what we're going to do is sheet.new, and we're going to create a brand new sheet.
02:11 We're going to get AI in here by going to bettersheets.co slash snippets. We're going to just grab a, the OpenAI, actually AI, here, OpenAI prompt, actually I want Omni, there we go, and convert this to Omni Mini now.
02:33 So we are going to extensions, Apps Script, going to just take Apps Script and paste it in here, we will probably get a prompt and edit this a little bit, but for now let's just do AI, put in the prompt, get the result.
02:48 We will also grab an API key by the time you watch this, I will have deleted this API key, but we'll just put this in text here, uh, so that we don't have to put it on a page.
03:00 Okay. Thank you. So our AI will run, we're going to call this Startup Pitch Editor and again we want to grab some information like SAS, this is pair X, we'll put it into our sheet and we'll say Okay, okay.
03:20 Pair X invests in SAS, in SAS. We'll do that. Powerful tools to help business. This is how they invest. Ah we want also to have somewhere where we put our pitch.
03:36 So, our pitch, we want investment. Strategy I guess. Past investments. Our pitch, let's figure out what we'll do. Let's say, we're going to create a better Google Sheet add-on marketplace that is separate from Google, a third-party well-manicured, like I, this is going to be just a crazy idea, right?
04:11 This is well-manicured, rated, and gamified to help people do better. in Google Sheets. Yeah, this is like a terrible pitch, right?
04:24 It's probably gonna, it should be shorter, it should be, um, much different, right? Uh, let's see, we want to wrap the text so we can see it a little bit better.
04:35 Great. Past investments, let's get a couple past investments. Um, we see that parents, ARX, let's say, um, which one is gonna be good?
04:45 Here's Bonfire. Okay, we're getting Gusto as well and Bonfire. Let's do just a couple of examples. Gusto, there you go.
04:53 Um, and And what we want to do is, We are going to do the exact same thing here, but instead of pairX, we're going to do Y Combinator.
05:07 So I'm going to look at the last two years, let's say, for batches, not b2b. Let's look marketplaces, if that exists in here.
05:18 Marketing, FinTech Consumer. I don't know if marketplaces is really here. So let's look at all industries and look for marketplace.
05:30 Oh, here it is, tag marketplace, 20 of them. Cool. So we have, I don't think we can can, oh we can copy paste.
05:42 There we go. Let's copy paste three of them and edit the text. So what I want to do is I want to make these super simple, uhm here, actually it looks like they're super simple, uhm for Y Combinator.
05:54 We still need to get the investment strategy of Y Combinator. So Y Combinator invest. strategy. Let's see if it's, uhm let's see if it's in there about.
06:09 So YC doesn't really have an exact philosophy of how to invest. We can probably put in a couple of things here uhm about what happens at Y Combinator, why, but there's not a really an answer to why, or how Y Combinator actually invests.
06:27 So what I'm going to do is I don't know if I'm going to put anything here in our prompt, but let's just try this prompt right away, equals AI.
06:39 And we're going to say. Uhm, turn this pitch, turn our pitch into a better pitch that is more suited for, suited for this particular startup incubator.
06:59 Incubator? or accelerator. Uhm, we're going to say our pitch, we're going to then add a ampersand, this is going to be just A2, we're going to then do another ampersand.
07:20 and do uhm invest uh accelerator, then ampersand, two ampersands, but in between we're going to do B2, then we're going to do past investment.
07:40 Two ampersands, and in between them, C2. Actually, that's all we're going to do. And end. We don't even have to end it.
07:52 Okay. So let's see what happens if anything gets back. We don't have any examples. Though, so, um, maybe it's going to give us some gibberish.
08:04 It's okay. Oh my god. It gives us a lot of stuff. Um, that's way too much stuff. So we just want turn our pitch into a better pitch that's more suited for this particular, uh, give a reply, respond with only a simple pitch.
08:26 Nothing more. Let's do that. We don't want it to name it. It's going to name it. Uh, let's look at this.
08:37 Oh, and see what we get back. Sheet Master Dynamics. Third party sheet, add-on, meticulous curate. It's very long. So in this case, for Y Combinator, it does do it a little bit shorter.
08:50 An independent gamified marketplace for Google Sheet add-ons. Designed for seamless integration and enhanced productivity. We'll probably delete that, uh, second and third part.
08:59 Uh, our platform is offers meticulously curated, highly rated tools to empower users to optimize their workflow within Google Sheets. Cool.
09:09 I mean, it says the same thing, but I guess in a better way. Not necessarily better, but more specific to Y Combinator.
09:18 Um, gamified marketplace. Place for Google Sheet add-ons, right? Out of this, I can probably say, uh, do this. So, that's how we can create, like, take information here, have someone fill it out, but let's make this, um, easily sort of sellable or shareable, right?
09:40 Um, we can create this, fine, but we are the only ones that know how to use it. We put in our pitch, we put in our investment strateg- uh, put in investment strategies, past investors.
09:49 Maybe we, as a creator of this, build out an investment strategy and past investment list that's of all of these 23 startup accelerators.
10:00 And then you only have to put in one place, your pitch, and you get back 23 specific, the uhm, created or curated pitches.
10:12 Sure, we can, uh, work on this pitch a little bit more, uh, what we want to do now is how do we make this work?
10:20 It's usable for others, right? Let's see. So one thing I realize is definitely take this portion of the text that we put here and put it into our prompt.
10:36 We're also going to call this, create, we want to create a new function name called create, uh, new, create pitch, let's call it.
10:47 And instead of prompt, we're going to pitch. We are going to create the prompt ourselves, variable prompt text equals this.
10:57 Uhm, then we want to get, we don't want to have our API key here, we want API key here. So instead of this being here, I'm going to cut it out and allow someone else to use the API key here.
11:19 So we will say, Oh, and, actually for right now, we're going to keep this here. But we want to make this function available for others.
11:36 So we're going to create a comment here called at custom function. in. And now. We will get just, uh, if we do equals create pitch, it's here and it shows us the information we have to put in.
11:54 There we go. So let's put in a pitch, pitch. Pitch is going to be in A2 and our API key in text is going to be like that.
12:06 And that's all we need to enter it, but we want to get the other stuff. So, let's add prompt text, variable, accelerator.
12:22 Maybe we do that. We start building our pitch here. Variable pitch equals, or sorry not pitch, prompt equals prompt text plus pitch plus accelerator plus accelerator and we get our accelerator from here.
12:47 Accelerator and past investments plus we're just going to create what we did here. inside of our Apps Script. Plus past investments.
13:05 You can even look at it like this. So now our prompt is exactly the same. We need to delete that accelerator there.
13:25 So we're going to use the same thing we did before. So A2, but now we can fill it in. The accelerator is going to be B2, C2 for the past investments.
13:40 API key. Instead of here, we can put it here. And let's make this a little nicer to see quicksand. We'll do a little bit bigger text.
13:54 We will also center everything. Center, center. And there we go. Personalize, personalized pitch. So now someone can use this sheet.
14:16 All right, make sure let's decrease the size of this font. It looks a little big. Oh, now it looks smaller.
14:28 Okay. So now someone can use our sheet. Ah, we need a reference error. This reference is supposed to be A1.
14:38 There we go. So we get, Take care. Our pitch, add an investment strategy of some accelerator, so accelerator, our fund, add on ace, a third party marketplace.
14:56 So it actually changes the name, interesting. Oh, creates a name change. I'm for it. Great. So we're going to save the name in Apps Script as well and this custom function here.
15:09 So that makes it really easy for someone to be able to enter information. But like let's say we don't want them to enter this pitch each and every time.
15:18 We just want it one time. So how do we do that? What I like to do is this. Pitches. Add a settings.
15:29 And just put here our pitch. And put our pitch here. So we only have to put in one place. here.
15:40 Or actually, your pitch. Because someone else is going to create it. Now, the option is we can put in here A1 uhm.
15:53 No, that's A1. It should be The accelerator should be B2. Oh wow, it's really screwed up. Screwed that one up.
16:01 Okay, so that's what it should be. But this is also confusing. We screwed it up, right? So we should be able to just put in the accelerator pass investments, put in one place our pitch, which is always going to be on this settings column.
16:13 We can set this as like hey, don't mess with this. This is where you write once. Uh, write once here.
16:21 And then you don't have to change it. So how do we get that from here to there? We can delete this column.
16:27 This is going to get some reference errors. It's okay. We're going to actually change this from pitch. Gonna delete it from here.
16:38 And we are going to do variable pitch. pitch equals spreadsheet app. We're going to get the range from here. Spreadsheet app is just every spreadsheet in your file.
16:49 We want to get the active spreadsheet, which is this exact specific spreadsheet. We want to get sheet by name. We want settings.
16:59 Let's and enter a new line here, just so you can see it a little bit better. Get range is going to be A2.
17:09 Then we want to get the value from there. Get value. So we're getting the value from A2 on the settings page in our existing spreadsheet file.
17:18 And that is here, settings A2. And instead of this reference error, we're just going to put in the accelerator and the past investments and an API key and get back our pitch, our personalized pitch from AI.
17:38 Let's say we want to do a couple more things here. Like we want a pitch, but we also want a startup name.
17:44 So let's insert here, here, your startup name. It's going to be she eats with four e's. Sheets.com, let's say. And we're going to go back to our thing, our Apps Script, and we're going to call this variable name, startup name, let's call it.
18:08 And instead of A2, it's going to be A3, I think. Here, A3. And we have to edit this one, the pitch, to A5.
18:16 So turn our pitch. We need now one more thing. Ah, prompt text is going to include startup name. And we can add that right here, a couple plus signs.
18:32 Startup name, startup name. So we added our variable here to our pitch prompt, our prompt. Let's take out that sign.
18:40 Space before the, there, uhm, great. Save that and I think our pitches are going to be better, yeah. Startup name, sheeds.com, transform, revolutionize.
18:54 Let's make these a little bit shorter, uhm, I want that way shorter. So we're going to enjoy our prompt a little bit more.
19:01 Turn our pitch, our startup pitch, into a better startup pitch that is more suited for this particular startup. Accelerate, respond with only a simple pitch, nothing more.
19:12 Make sure the pitch is very short. The pitch should be a log line, uh, with very short very powerful and interesting terms, uh, to elicit, elicit?
19:31 To get, to get funded. Let's say that. Let's see what that does now, if it does. Yeah. Elevate your Google Sheets experience with our curated third-party add-on marketplace, top-rated gamified tools, meticulously designed for productivity, and this is way too wordy.
19:52 Uh, we should probably have more, better examples here. I think more examples is gonna do better here. Let's try to do something here, um, the logline or pitch should be a couple of adjectives, no more, and the thing it does the best.
20:16 This is pretty poor engineering, but it's just to give you an example, if you could keep adding interesting stuff to your prompt.
20:25 There, the ultimate seamless gamified add-on mark. Wow, that worked. Dynamic, intuitive, gamified add-ons for Google Sheets, right? So now it's getting less and less, it's taking the information, it's giving, we're giving it, um, and using it more, right?
20:39 We can definitely give it more examples, we can definitely give it more startups here, but now this is really cool that someone can take this startup pitch editor, enter their name here, enter their pitch, and get back exactly a pitch personalized for this particular accelerator here.
20:58 So we can keep adding more and more here. So I think I will actually rename this to personalized, actually startup pitch editor is more like, it's more like a generator.
21:11 Startup pitch generator. And I'll go and put this available out in the marketplace somewhere. Actually, before I go, I wonder what a startup pitch generator, if that was the idea, let's call it uhm start me up.
21:34 And the pitch is a startup pitch generator. Let's see if it ah gives us back an interesting personalized pitch generator.
21:40 for these. Let's look, it's loading. I'm so excited to see what it comes up with. Transformative AI-powered startup pitch generator for accelerated funding success, fundraising success.
21:55 Revolutionize startup pitches with AI-driven precision and creativity. Ah, they love sort of say a lot by saying nothing, but they, this is a pretty quickly created, you know, AI-generated pitch generator.
22:12 Pretty cool. I mean, StartMeUp could also be like a coffee bean distributor for. Digital nomads. Some, like, StartMeUp for like the good morning, uh, kind of stuff.
22:32 See if that, uh, comes up with anything. Hmm. Source premium coffee beans for digital nomads. Empowering digital nomads with premium coffee anywhere.
22:48 Oh, that's actually really nice. Okay, so you can see how this is useful. But we just created this startup pitch generator in a few minutes.
22:55 Um, with AI integrated in here as a custom function. So we can, Can create this for someone else to use if you're looking for this and you're not yet a BetterSheets member.
23:06 Become one today and you can get this exact sheet and script down below at bettersheets.co.