The SORT formula can be used to sort data in a range of cells in ascending or descending order. It can also be used to sort data by multiple columns.
The SORT formula is commonly mistyped as SORTED, or SORTING, or ASORT, or SORTER.
Some common ways the SORT formula is used inappropriately include sorting data that is not in a range of cells, sorting data that is not in the same format. A common error might be to try to sort dates that are not dates at all. Labeling dates of the week as "Monday" or "Tuesday" does not mean that a sort function will correctly know that the days of the weeks should be sorted by their order of days. It will try to sort them alphabetically.
Common pitfalls when using the SORT formula include forgetting to specify the range of cells to be sorted, forgetting to specify the order of sorting, and forgetting to specify the column to be sorted.
Common mistakes when using the SORT formula include using the wrong syntax, using the wrong arguments, and using the wrong order of sorting. You might want to sort a whole column and put the column name in quotes. That is a simple mistake to make as some formulas such as INDIRECT do need the arguments to be in quotes to work as intended.