Formulas > =MEDIAN()

How To Use MEDIAN() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the median value in a numeric dataset.

Common Questions about the MEDIAN Formula:
1. What is the MEDIAN formula and how is it used?
2. What range of values should I use for the MEDIAN formula?
3. How can I make sure the MEDIAN formula is accurate?

How Can the MEDIAN Formula be Used Appropriately?:
1. The MEDIAN formula can be used in Google Sheets to calculate the median value of a given range of values.
2. To ensure accuracy, double-check to make sure the range of values given to the formula is correct.
3. Data within the range of values should be sorted or organized in order for the MEDIAN formula to be accurate.

How Can The MEDIAN Formula be Commonly Mistyped?:
1. Incorrectly listing the range of values can lead to an incorrect calculation using the MEDIAN formula.
2. Misusing capitalization or syntax errors when entering the formula may also lead to an incorrect result.

What are Some Common Ways the MEDIAN Formula is Used Inappropriately?:
1. Applying the MEDIAN formula to non-numeric data.
2. Using the MEDIAN formula with a limited amount of values, which can impact the accuracy of the result.

What are Some Common Pitfalls When Using the MEDIAN Formula?:
1. Failing to sort or organize the range of values prior to using the MEDIAN formula.
2. Not double-checking the formula and the range of values for accuracy after entering them into the formula.

What are Common Mistakes When Using the MEDIAN Formula?:
1. Use of the wrong formula (such as AVERAGE instead of MEDIAN).
2. Entering the wrong range of values into the formula.

What are Common Misconceptions People Might Have With the MEDIAN Formula?:
1. Thinking that the MEDIAN formula will always return the middle value of a given range of values, which is not true since the formula takes the average of the middle two values if there is an odd number of values.
2. Thinking that the MEDIAN formula will take the average of all the values in a given range, instead of only the middle two values for an odd number of values.

How To Actually Use MEDIAN() in Sheets

MEDIAN(value1, [value2, ...])

1Better Sheets Tutorial

What happens very often is we want to figure out an average averages, help us tell the story of a large set of data, but averages also can lie.

Learn more about the MEDIAN() formula:

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