Formulas > =FLATTEN()

How To Use FLATTEN() Function in Google Sheets


Flattens all the values from one or more ranges into a single column.

Common questions about the FLATTEN formula:
1. What is the FLATTEN formula? Flattens all the values from one or more ranges into a single column.
2. What are the arguments of the FLATTEN formula? Ranges

How can the FLATTEN formula be used appropriately?
The FLATTEN formula can be used to convert a range of cells into a single row or column. It can also be used to convert a range of cells into a single array.

How can the FLATTEN formula be commonly mistyped?
The FLATTEN formula is commonly mistyped as FLATEN or FLATEN or FLAT or FLATTN or FLATN.

What are some common ways the FLATTEN formula is used inappropriately?
The FLATTEN formula should not be used to convert a single cell into a single row or column. It should also not be used to convert a single cell into an array.

What are some common pitfalls when using the FLATTEN formula?
Common pitfalls when using the FLATTEN formula include not specifying the range of cells to be flattened appropriately. A common mistaken mindset is thinking that alone it will solve your problems of messy data. Or solve your disorganization. Thinking that the output will magically be in the right order.

What are common mistakes when using the FLATTEN Formula?
Common mistakes when using the FLATTEN formula include not specifying the range of cells to be flattened. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the range of cells to be flattened is valid and that the output format is compatible with the data type of the cells being flattened.

How To Actually Use FLATTEN() in Sheets


3Better Sheets Tutorials

A member, Alejandro, asks about taking their custom calendar inputs and figuring out study totals for a week. They created a beautiful input and just need to the calculations. I show how to use the data to do the calculations. If you've never used the FLATTEN() formula, this is a good example! And we use double UNIQUE().
Check out how to use flatten(). Discover the funky formula that makes data wrangling a breeze! Learn how to use Flatten in Google Sheets to organize scattered data and get insights that were previously hidden. Read on to see how this simple trick can save you hours of manual labor. 
4 formulas that make your sheets feel automated. Start with user-started actions, and get automated data flowing in other parts of your sheet.

Learn more about the FLATTEN() formula:

FLATTEN Function - Google Sheets - Transform Data to One Column

Learn how to use FLATTEN function in Google Sheets. FLATTEN function helps you flatten arrays to a single dimension, in case of spreadsheets we can take a range with multiple columns of data and move it to a single column.

Generate a FLATTEN() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


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