Get month as full month name

This apps script gives you just the full name of the current month, without the day, year, or time. For example instead of Jan. it will be January. The code does the following: new Date(): This creates a new Date object representing the current date and time. .toLocaleString('default', {...}): The toLocaleString method formats the date based on the provided options and the user's local time settings. The 'default' here refers to the system's locale (language and region settings). You can replace it with a specific locale if needed (e.g., 'en-US' for US English or 'fr-FR' for French). { month: 'long' }: This option tells toLocaleString to return only the month in its "long" form. The "long" form means that the full name of the month will be used (e.g., "January" instead of "Jan.").

var month = new Date().toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' })