Formulas > =NETWORKDAYS()

How To Use NETWORKDAYS() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the number of net working days between two provided days.

Common Questions About the NETWORKDAYS Formula

1. What does the NETWORKDAYS formula do?
2. How can I include weekends and holidays when calculating the number of days between two given dates?
3. How can I make sure that the NETWORKDAYS formula is counting accurate results?

How Can the NETWORKDAYS Formula Be Used Appropriately?

1. Ensure the data entered into the NETWORKDAYS formula is in the correct format, which is within a date format.
2. Set both the start and end dates as included in the NETWORKDAYS formula.
3. Add an optional array argument to specify any holidays you would like excluded from the Networkdays calculation.
4. Include weekends in the calculation and make sure that the weekends are correctly labeled in the formula.

How Can the NETWORKDAYS Formula Be Commonly Mistyped?

1. Mistyping the order of the dates, such as entering the end date as the start date.
2. Forgetting to include the array or optional holiday argument of the formula.
3. Not identifying the correct dates when entering the arguments.

What Are Some Common Ways the NETWORKDAYS Formula Is Used Inappropriately?

1. Attempting to use the NETWORKDAYS formula to calculate a set number of days in the future or past.
2. Not entering the correct date format.
3. Not accounting for holidays or weekends when calculating the number of days between dates.

What Are Some Common Pitfalls When Using the NETWORKDAYS Formula?

1. The NETWORKDAYS formula will not calculate a set number of days in the future or past.
2. The NETWORKDAYS formula will not automatically adjust for national and regional holidays.
3. The NETWORKDAYS formula will not continue calculations when a date is not entered in the specified format.

What Are Common Mistakes When Using the NETWORKDAYS Formula?

1. Not entering in the correct date format for the start and end dates of the calculation.
2. Not adding in the array argument to account for holidays, weekends, and other exclusions.
3. Not changing the format of the dates to indicate the correct starting and ending dates for the formula.

What Are Common Misconceptions People Might Have With the NETWORKDAYS Formula?

1. That the NETWORKDAYS formula counts forward from the start date instead of counting the difference between the start and end date.
2. That the NETWORKDAYS formula will adjust the calculation for weekends and holidays automatically.
3. That the NETWORKDAYS formula will accurately adjust the calculation if the start or end date changes.

How To Actually Use NETWORKDAYS() in Sheets

NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])

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Learn more about the NETWORKDAYS() formula:

Count Workdays in Google Sheets | NETWORKDAYS or NETWORDAYS.INTL Functions

Use the NETWORKDAYS or NETWORKDAYS.INTL functions to count the number of workdays in between two dates. Learn from examples, including subtracting holidays and customizing which days are your weekends.

Generate a NETWORKDAYS() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


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