Formulas > =NE()

How To Use NE() Function in Google Sheets


Returns `TRUE` if two specified values are not equal and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `<>` operator.

Common questions about the NE formula include:
- What does NE stand for?
- How do you enter the NE formula in Google Sheets?
- What does the formula do?

The NE Formula can be used appropriately to test whether two strings of text are equivalent. It is commonly used to compare the contents of two cells to check for matches or duplication.

The NE formula can be commonly mistyped by leaving out a space between the N and E. It should look like this: =NE(A2, B2).

Common ways the NE formula is used inappropriately include:
- Using the formula when it is not required (e.g. for numeric or logical comparisons)
- Using it with only one argument
- Using it with arguments of different data types

Common pitfalls when using the NE formula include:
- Forgetting to compare each cell separately 
- Failing to account for differences in capitalization

Common mistakes when using the NE formula include:
- Mistyping the formula
- Forgetting to include the parentheses around the arguments
- Using the wrong arguments

Common misconceptions people might have with the NE formula include:
- Thinking it is used for numeric or logical comparisons 
- Thinking it can be used to compare strings of different lengths

How To Actually Use NE() in Sheets

NE(value1, value2)

1Better Sheets Tutorial

Discover 4 easy ways to check if 2 cells in Excel are equal or not! Whether it's numbers, text, or dates, get the answer in seconds with simple tricks. Learn now in this video. 

Learn more about the NE() formula:

Equal and Not Equal

Discover the EQUAL and NOT EQUAL functions. Select the HD quality option for the best full-screen viewing experience. Visit for more videos and tutorials!

Generate a NE() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

Whatever you need to do in sheets, you can generate a formula. Use the Better Sheets Formula generator to create a formula for any need. Completely free for members.


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