Common questions about the LOGNORMDIST formula:
• What parameters does it require?
• Can it be used for continuous distributions?
• What should be the probability input if the third and fourth parameters are the mean and standard deviation?
How can the LOGNORMDIST formula be used appropriately:
The LOGNORMDIST formula can be used to calculate the logarithmic cumulative distribution of a given probability over a normal distribution range. It requires four parameters to calculate the probability: X, mean, standard deviation, and true/false. X is the value in the distribution range for which to calculate the cumulative probability, the mean and the standard deviation are the parameters describing the normal distribution, and true/false will determine if the cumulative probability should be calculated from negative infinity or not.
How can the LOGNORMDIST formula be commonly mistyped:
The LOGNORMDIST formula is commonly mistyped as LOGORMDIST or LONGNORMDIST. Other common misspellings are LOGNORMDITS, LOGNORMDST, LOGONRMDIST, LOGNRMDIST.
What are some common ways the LOGNORMDIST formula is used inappropriately:
The LOGNORMDIST formula should not be used to calculate probabilities for non-normal distribution data. It should also not be used to calculate probabilities for a skewed or t-distribution.
What are some common pitfalls when using the LOGNORMDIST formula:
• Incorrect parameters are used
• The true/false parameter is not set correctly
• Incorrect data type is used
What are common mistakes when using the LOGNORMDIST Formula:
• Incorrect parameters are entered
• The formula is misused to calculate probabilities for non-normal distributions
• The formula is misused to calculate probabilities for skewed or t-distributions
What are common misconceptions people might have with the LOGNORMDIST Formula:
• That it can be used for non-normal distributions
• That it can accurately calculate probabilities for data with skewed distributions
• That it somehow calculates the probability for a range instead of a single value