Formulas > =LOG10()

How To Use LOG10() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the the logarithm of a number, base 10.

Common Questions about the LOG10 Formula
1. What does the LOG10 formula do?
2. How do I use the LOG10 formula?
3. What is the syntax of the LOG10 formula?

How Can the LOG10 Formula Be Used Appropriately?
The LOG10 formula can be used to calculate the base-10 logarithm of a given number. This can be used to find the relationship between two numbers and compare them.

How Can the LOG10 Formula Be Commonly Mistyped?
The formula string is commonly mistyped as “LN10”, “Log10” or even something like “LOGG10” instead of the correct “LOG10”.

What Are Some Common Ways the LOG10 Formula Is Used Inappropriately?
The LOG10 formula should not be used incorrectly as a math formula. For example, the formula could not be used to find the x in the equation log10 x = 5.

What Are Some Common Pitfalls When Using the LOG10 Formula?
The LOG10 formula cannot be used to calculate a negative logarithm. Additionally, logarithms with bases other than 10 (e.g., base 2, base e, etc.) cannot be found using this formula.

What Are Common Mistakes When Using the LOG10 Formula?
One of the most common mistakes when using the LOG10 formula is mistakenly entering the syntax “LOGG10” instead of “LOG10”. Additionally, the formula should not be used as a math equation because it cannot solve for an unknown variable.

What Are Common Misconceptions People Might Have With the LOG10 Formula?
One misconception is that the LOG10 formula can be used to calculate logarithms with bases other than 10. Additionally, people may mistakenly think that the LOG10 formula can be used to solve equations with logarithms as one of the unknown terms.

How To Actually Use LOG10() in Sheets


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Learn more about the LOG10() formula:

Google Sheets: Math Formula

In this tutorial we show you maths formula in google sheets. This includes: * Basic maths operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) ,* Int - Convert to integer, * Abs - Find the absolute value of a number ,* Log - find the logarithm of a number either to base 10 or to a base of your choise ,* Exp - Find the exponential of a number, * Trigonometry functions - Sin and Cos including converting between degrees and radians and inserting the value of Pi.

Generate a LOG10() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

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