Common Questions about the LARGE Formula:
1. What is the LARGE formula?
2. What arguments does the LARGE formula take?
3. What type of data can the LARGE formula be used for?
How Can the LARGE Formula Be Used Appropriately:
The LARGE formula can be used to cycle through an array or range of cells to find the nth largest value. The syntax of the LARGE formula is LARGE({array},{nth}) where the {array} is the range of cells and {nth} is the position of the nth largest value in that range.
How Can the LARGE Formula Be Commonly Mistyped:
The LARGE formula is commonly mistyped as LARG. This will return an error in Google Sheets.
What Are Some Common Ways the LARGE Formula Is Used Inappropriately:
The LARGE formula can’t be used to sort a range of cells. It can only return the nth largest value within a range. The LARGE formula should only be used to find one value, and not used in a loop to sort a range of cells.
What Are Some Common Pitfalls When Using the LARGE Formula:
1. The LARGE formula requires two arguments - an array of cells and the “nth” value being selected. If either argument is incorrect, an error will be returned.
2. It’s important to remember that the LARGE formula only returns the nth largest value (in the position specified), and not a list of values.
What Are Common Mistakes When Using the LARGE Formula:
1. Reversing the order of the arguments - The LARGE formula requires an array following by the position (nth) of the value to select.
2. Forgetting to specify a range of cells - The LARGE formula will not work without a range of cells specified as its argument.
What Are Common Misconceptions People Might Have With the LARGE Formula:
1. That it can be used to sort a range of values - The LARGE formula can only return the nth largest value, and cannot be used to sort a range of values.
2. That it can be used to return multiple values - The LARGE formula can only return a single value.