Formulas > =IMSUB()

How To Use IMSUB() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the difference between two complex numbers.

Common Questions About the IMSUB Formula
• What is the IMSUB formula?
• How does the IMSUB formula work?
• What kinds of data does the IMSUB formula work with?

How Can the IMSUB Formula be Used Appropriately?
• To subtract two range of cells
• To subtract a range of cells from a non-range value
• To subtract two numbers in different worksheets

How Can the IMSUB Formula be Commonly Mistyped?
• Omitting one of the arguments in the formula
• Omitting the minus sign in the formula
• Using non-conforming characters in calculations

What Are Some Common Ways The IMSUB Formula is Used Inappropriately?
• Adding two range of cells together instead of subtracting them
• Adding a range of cells and a non-range value instead of subtracting them
• Using a non-existent range in the formula

What Are Some Common Pitfalls When Using The IMSUB Formula?
• Not checking for errors in the formula
• Forgetting to include the minus sign in the formula
• Forgetting to include all the arguments in the formula

What Are Common Mistakes When Using The IMSUB Formula?
• Not using absolute references when subtracting different cells in different worksheets
• Reversing the order of the arguments in the formula
• Neglecting to check for errors in the formula

What Are Common Misconceptions People Might Have With The IMSUB Formula?
• Thinking that the formula can only subtract two ranges of cells
• Believing that the formula cannot subtract a range of cells from a non-range value 
• Assuming that the formula can only subtract two numbers in the same worksheet

How To Actually Use IMSUB() in Sheets

IMSUB(first_number, second_number)

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