Formulas > =IMLOG2()

How To Use IMLOG2() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 2.

Common questions about the IMLOG2 formula include:

What is the IMLOG2 formula? How do I use the IMLOG2 formula in Google Sheets?

How can the IMLOG2 formula be used appropriately?
The IMLOG2 formula can be used to calculate the natural logarithm of a number to two decimal places in Google Sheets.

How can the IMLOG2 formula be commonly mistyped?
The IMLOG2 formula can be commonly mistyped as ""LOG2"" or ""LOG10"" instead of ""IMLOG2"".

What are some common ways the IMLOG2 formula is used inappropriately?
Some common ways the IMLOG2 formula is used inappropriately include attempting to apply it to non-numeric data, passing multiple arguments into the formula, or using incorrect range references.

What are some common pitfalls when using the IMLOG2 formula?
Common pitfalls when using the IMLOG2 formula include attempting to use the formula in an incorrect context, forgetting to specify the number of decimal places when declaring the function, or forgetting to list arguments in the proper order.

What are common mistakes when using the IMLOG2 Formula?
Common mistakes when using the IMLOG2 Formula include leaving off the parentheses, neglecting to leave a space between the function name and the arguments, or forgetting to list the required arguments.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the IMLOG2 Formula?
People might mistake the IMLOG2 Formula as being the same as the LOG2 formula, when in fact they are very different. Others may think it allows more than two decimal places when in reality it is limited to two.

How To Actually Use IMLOG2() in Sheets


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