Formulas > =IMLN()

How To Use IMLN() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the logarithm of a complex number, base e (Euler's number).

Common Questions About the IMLN Formula:
1. What is the IMLN formula?
2. How do I use the IMLN formula in Google Sheets?
3. What are the arguments of the IMLN formula?

How Can the IMLN Formula be Used Appropriately:
1. To calculate the internal rate of return over a series of cash flows, given the future values of those cash flows.
2. To calculate the net present value of an investment or any other cash flows.

How Can the IMLN Formula be Commonly Mistyped:
1. Incorrectly using the argument order — e.g. using "rate" instead of "guess" as the first argument.
2. Forgetting to include a comma between arguments.
3. Mis-spelling the formula name: "IMPLN", "IMNL", etc.

What Are Some Common Ways the IMLN Formula is Used Inappropriately:
1. Using the formula to calculate the number of payments given a known repayment amount, cash flows and an assumption on the interest rate.
2. Failing to consider the sign of the cash flows — positive and negative cash flows should be taken into account when calculating the internal rate of return.

What Are Some Common Pitfalls When Using the IMLN Formula:
1. Not accounting for compounding — the formula only works with single cash flows and does not take into consideration compounding of interest or other investments.
2. Changing the order of arguments — the order of the arguments is important and should not be altered.
3. Not including the future values of all cash flows — the future values of all cash flows, both positive and negative must be included in order for the formula to work correctly.

What Are Common Mistakes When Using the IMLN Formula:
1. Not accounting for future cash flows — the future values of cash flows must be included in order for the formula to calculate the internal rate of return accurately.
2. Not including the appropriate guess value — for most cases, the value “0.1” should be used as the guess value if the rate of return is expected to be under 10%.
3. Forgetting to include all the cash flows — all cash flows, both positive and negative, need to be included in order for the formula to calculate the internal rate of return accurately.

What Are Common Misconceptions People Might Have With the IMLN Formula:
1. Thinking the formula will accurately calculate the internal rate of return even if future cash flows are unknown — the IMLN formula only works when all relevant cash flows (including future cash flows) are included in the calculation.
2. Thinking the formula can be used to calculate the repayment amount over a given period — the IMLN formula is only used to calculate the internal rate of return over a series of cash flows. 
3. Thinking the formula is only useful in financial scenarios — while the IMLN formula is commonly used in financial scenarios, it can also be used to calculate the internal rate of return for other scenarios where cash flows are involved.

How To Actually Use IMLN() in Sheets


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