Formulas > =GAMMALN()

How To Use GAMMALN() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the the logarithm of a specified Gamma function, base e (Euler's number).

Common questions about the GAMMALN formula:
1. What is the GAMMALN formula and what does it do?
2. How do I correctly format a GAMMALN formula?
3. How do I include the necessary parameters in the GAMMALN formula?

How can the GAMMALN formula be used appropriately?
The GAMMALN formula can be used to calculate the gamma function of a given number. By providing the necessary parameters eg. number for X, the formula can calculate the gamma function for the specified value.

How can the GAMMALN formula be commonly mistyped?
The GAMMALN formula can be mistyped when including the correct spelling of "GAMMALN". Commonly, people may accidentally mistype "GAMALN" or "GAMELN", instead of "GAMMALN". Other mistypes are GAMMAL, GAMMA, GAMNAL, GAMLAN.

What are some common ways the GAMMALN formula is used inappropriately?
Using the GAMMALN formula incorrectly by either inputting incorrect arguments or omitting important parameters is one of the most common pitfalls. Additionally, using the GAMMALN formula inappropriately could involve inputting a negative value, which is not a valid argument for the GAMMALN formula.

What are some common pitfalls when using the GAMMALN formula?
A common pitfall to watch out for when using the GAMMALN formula is incorrectly formatting the formula. Additionally, forgetting to input the necessary arguments or parameters and inputting an invalid argument are both common mistakes to watch out for.

What are common mistakes when using the GAMMALN Formula?
Common mistakes when using the GAMMALN formula include mistyping the formula name, incorrectly formatting the formula, omitting necessary parameters, and inputting invalid arguments.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the GAMMALN Formula?
A common misconception with the GAMMALN formula is that it can be used to solve general math problems. However, this is not the case -- the GAMMALN formula only evaluates gamma functions for numbers that are inputted as parameters. Additionally, some user may mistakenly think that they can input negative numbers or decimal values as arguments for the GAMMALN formula, although only positive integers are supported.

How To Actually Use GAMMALN() in Sheets


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Learn more about the GAMMALN() formula:

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This video is about how to create 43 Statistical Functions with Examples in MS Excel Office Spreadsheet 2016 - Part 3.

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